Scram, You Fool! (2)

She was feeling useless. Li Meili felt like she was a failure. She sat there rigid on the chair next to the hospital bed where her husband lay unconscious. The doctor said he should be able to gain his senses soon. But every second passed that Zhang Jiren wasn't opening his eyes prolonged the agony Li Meili was in.

Li Meili held his hand, never letting him go. According to Tang Moyu, Zhang Jiren grew up in an orphanage because of the scheme of the Zhang family. Li Meili didn't need to ask her husband as to what kind of hardships he endured during those times as the snippets of what he told her was enough to let her know that he'd been alone for too long and only relied on himself to survive. 

She couldn't imagine Zhang Jiren being sick like this on his own, not having anyone to look after him. He must be really sad being alone, not knowing he had a family somewhere who thought he had died.