Finale: Yun Zhen x Su Jingyi (1)

Timeline: One year after Su Jingyi resigned from the Yun Group. 

Su Jingyi never thought that she would become the next Madam Yun nor deluded herself to believe that she and Yun Zhen could be something else aside from being business partners. However, as she looked at the stunning wedding gown on display, she had to pinch herself to make sure that she wasn't dreaming at all. 

"Miss Su? Is it to your liking?" the attendant asked her, breaking Su Jingyi from her trance. 

Su Jingyi smiled awkwardly and nodded. She didn't even realize that she was gaping like an idiot upon seeing her wedding dress. But could someone blame her? It was just that the wedding dress was too stunning; she couldn't help but admire it.