Specials: Growing Fond of You (4)

The first thing that Feng Tianyi did once the little buns had fallen asleep for their afternoon nap was to work in the kitchen. Thankfully, Auntie Lu had made sure his pantry was filled with the things he might need while staying with the Tangs. He started working to make a chocolate strawberry cake for the empress. 

He was able to finish it before the twins woke up and monopolized his time again. Feng Tianyi hoped that it would be to Tang Moyu's liking and would at least try to taste the cake he specifically made just for her. 

Thinking about it, Feng Tianyi had never cooked nor baked for anyone until he met the empress and her little buns. If it was before, he wouldn't spare anyone a glance and be on his way. He found it irritating to deal with whiny children. At least Baobao and Little Star hadn't given him a headache since he moved here. 
