Chapter 1

Nick arrived to school on a large yellow bus full of rowdy kids. He sat by himself and tried not to disturb anyone which had been a success.

All the kids went to his school and as musicians do, they were blaring music, singing songs and talking about anything to do with music.

He overheard one girl say that she managed to play a C major scale. Nick quietly scoffed to himself wondering whether or not the people at this school were actually capable of music.

"Ah, Nick! Nice to see you." Nick was greeted by a tall man in a suit. He had to have guessed he was the principal. Nick gave a small smile as the large man approached him in only three large strides.

"Come with me and I will show you to your class and locker." Nick nodded silently as he followed the man. He had to slightly jog a couple steps just to keep up.

The principal showed Nick his locker and he put his backpack in. The man showed Nick into the classroom next to them and stood out the front with him.

"Good morning, 10D," the principal chimed over the hubbub among the students that arose as soon as Nick entered the room, "We have a new student joining your class and I will let him do the honours of introducing himself."

Nick stood nervously in front of the 30 odd teenagers, only just realising his messy brown hair was hanging over his eyes as he self consciously pushed it back up.

"Um... My name is Nick Brown and I plAY..." Nick's voice broke midway saying play. The rest of the class laughed at him as he turned red.

"Now, Now boys and girls" The principals please make sure you make Nick feel welcomed here at our school."

Everyone replied with a "yes sir"as he left. Nick hurried to an empty spot in the back, averting the gazes of the other students that he walked past.

"Alright, class," the teacher began, "Today we will be talking about atoms and their configuration. Looking at the diagram on the board..." Nick zoned out for a moment. So much for first impressions Nick thought to himself, embarrassed. He grabbed a notebook from the pile of books he brought in and began to scribble down the notes the teacher wrote on the board.

Suddenly, a messily folded piece of paper landed on his desk. The outside read, "New Kid". He looked at it puzzled and looked around the classroom. Everyone was paying 100% attention to the teacher, not giving him a single glare. Nick looked back at the piece of paper and slowly opened it.

"Who are you?" were the only words on the paper. Nick didn't know what to do. If he replied, who was he going to give it to? Who even gave it to him? Nick was about to go back to his work when he saw the boy in front of him put his hand behind his back and made a small platform with his hand, encouraging the new student to put the note in his hand. Nick quickly scribbled down his answer, "Who's asking?"

He placed the paper on the boys hand and watched as the paper was seamlessly passed around the classroom until it reached a boy in the front row. The boy opened it, exhaled a small chuckled exhibiting a smile and passed the note back behind him.

Nick received the note once again and was eager to see what the answer was.

"The pretty strawberry blonde at the front of the classroom on your right ;)" Nick was startled to read the message. Was someone trying to flirt with him through a note? Did somebody like him?! Nick shook his head as he came back to reality realising how stupid he sounded in his own head. He looked up and to his right and saw the boy at the front looking straight back at him with a smile. He winked as he ran his hand through his reddish-brown hair. He was an attractive guy from what Nick could see. Soft, but tame hair flowed back and to the side, slightly resting below his temple and a smooth jawline. its wasn't sharp but was still hot. A symmetrical smile with pearl white teeth smiled back at Nick as well as emerald green eyes that shone brightly in the classroom.

Nick was a little confused when the boy winked at him. Was he actually hitting on him or just messing around? Nick went with the latter and wrote down his response, "Nice to meet you. I'm Nick brown. And you?"

"I'm Alex Patterson. I'm the lead violinist at this school. I also play many other instruments. Give me one and i could learn how to play in within days!" Nick smiled to himself when he read this. He may be cocky sounding on paper, but Alex did seem like a really nice guy.

"That's amazing! I wish I could do that. All I can do is play piano. :(" Nick handed the note away again and watched as Alex opened the note. As he read it Nick saw his smile fade into a shocked expression. Which shifted into one of disgust. Alex showed the note to his surrounding classmates who all equally glared at Nick in revolt before turning around and telling their neighbours. Nick saw this all happen at once and began freaking out. Why are they so angry at me? What did I do? Was it the sad face? Nick thought through all of the information he was processing at once.

After the entire class had been alerted, Alex scribbled down his response and handed it over. Nick opened the note with caution this time, scared to see what made everyone so upset.

"Piano is the most disgusting instrument in the world. To think you belong here is a fucking delusion. We don't want you tainting our perfect sound with that shit. Go back to the dumpster you came from, trash."

Nick looked at the note in awe as he felt his bottom lip slightly quiver, like a lone puppy in the cold. His eyes began to glisten as tears were beginning to swell into his eyes.

Pull it together, Nick. Don't you fucking cry on your first day. It's all a joke, they don't mean it. Nick thought to himself as he scrunched up the note in his hand and dropping his head into his crossed arms on his desk. He heard the teacher still rambling, oblivious to what just happened behind her.

Not again... Nick thought.