Chapter 5

Saturday (3 Days after chapter 4)

Nick woke up and walked out of his room at around 7 am. He sat at his small dining table and had a cup of tea and toast for breakfast.

As he was getting up, Nick's mother rolled into the dining area.

"You're up early, Nick," she said when she saw him.

"Yea, I guess so. I'm going to go practice if that's okay."

"I suppose," she sighed.

"Thanks," Nick said before darting to the room with the large grand piano that takes up nearly the entire room, excepting a few small shelves. Nick sat down and stared at the sheet music before him.

Nick and his mother came to an agreement that he would instead allow Nick to learn the Chopin Ballad. He was motivated to actually play the piano for once in his life. He stared at the paper and placed his hands on the keys and began playing. For once, he actually felt happy playing the piano.

Nick played for hours on end that day learning every new phrase and every part that made this piece unique. He managed to forget lunch and ate an abnormally large dinner that night.

Just as he was about to go to bed, his phone vibrated on his night stand. He picked it up to see a message from L. Nick smiled to himself as he unlocked his phone.

L: Hey, piano man!

N: Hey, L :)

L: I thought you said you were going to get to know me days ago hmm??

N: Shiiiiiit dude I'm sorry. I was so caught up with school and this new piece I'm learning. Please forgive me!

L: pfffft dude chill It's fine. I can just get to know you now right?

N: Yea of course.

L: So, um, tell me about yourself.

N: Well, I'm an only child, I live with my mother, I'm a piano player as you know and I have brown hair :)

L: Oh only child hey? Same here! Except, my dad is still with my mom... Sorry that was rude of me. Did your dad leave you guys?

N: Yea something like that.

L: Well, I play violin. I know that's not very helpful as half of our school are violinists but you know... it's something haha.

Nick smiled to himself turning on his side and curling into a ball under his warm covers.

N: You're a guy right?

L: That would be correct ;)

N: And you're in my grade?

L: Indeed! 17 and counting

N: Hahaha I haven't quite turned 17 yet, but very soon I will.

L: Awesome! When is it?

N: 13th of March

L: ooo very close. Mine's the 3rd of Feb so you just missed it to give me a birthday present ;)

N: hahaha I'm sorry

L: Next year haha (Don't worry you don't actually I'm just messing)

N: Yea I know haha

Nick was enjoying his conversation with L a lot. Currently, he was his only friend.

L: Hey Nick?

N: Yes?

L: Was your week okay?

N: To a degree. For one, I met you, but on the other hand everyone still treats me like poop

L: I'm sorry, Nick. I'm sure It'll stop soon enough. As I always say, don't mind them.

N: I try not to. I think I'll be fine as long as you are around.

L: Aww thanks! I appreciate that a lot.

N: No problem. I'm getting a bit tired and I'd feel awful if I fell asleep mid conversation with you.

L: That's fine. I might hit the hay too. Have a good sleep, Nick.

N: You too. :)

L lay on his bed smiling wide and looking at the ceiling. L held his phone to his chest with both hands and clasped it tightly.

Nick plugged his phone in and fell asleep as he cuddled his covers.