Chapter 7.5


Nick sat motionless at the piano, sweat dripping off of his chin as he sucked in ragged shaky breaths. The entire class stared at him, waiting for him to do something.

"Well, go on then!" Alex yelled from his seat.

Nick's arms lowered shakily, hanging loosely from his shoulders. He looked to his left with desperation in his glistening grey eyes to the class. They looked at him in disgust and began throwing various items at him and calling him names and threatening him.

His expression reduced to nothing as Nick slowly stood up and began walking out, still receiving hurls of pens and pencils. They hurt. Especially when the pointy end of one stabbed his scalp. He looked out of the corner of his eye to see Alex not throwing anything at all towards Nick. He was slumped in his chair and watched Nick leave, following him, stunned. Nick turned away and exited feeling numb. He kept walking at a timed pace towards the bathroom, expression not shifting, head not turning. Blood trickled down his forehead where a compass had pierced his skin.

When the bathroom door closed behind him, Nick collapses onto the floor, eyes blank and staring at nothing and everything at the same time. Nick's eyelids began to close.

I'll just stay here forever and hopefully never wake up

His body started feeling cold and so he huddled up into himself as a drop of blood fell from the bridge of his nose to the ground, staining the floor. Nick sniffed one more time before closing his eyes completely...

The door swung open right as his eyelids had fully fallen and stayed closed. He heard the footsteps of the person as well as their muttering to themselves. Nick didn't move.

Alex picked Nick up from the ground in his arms and carried him like a baby. Nick's body flopped, arm hanging down towards the ground. Alex walked to the end cubicle, placed nick onto the toilet and shut the door behind him.

"Nick! Oh my God, Nick, I'm so sorry. It's all my fault. Please be okay." Alex rambled checking Nick's pupils, pulse and breathing. Everything seemed to be normal. Alex sighed shakily, looking at the boy that sat in front of him, lifeless.

Alex's phone began to buzz. He answered his phone to his friend Max.

"Where are you dude? I thought we were going out for lunch during our break after we tested that kid." Max said into the phone.

"Sorry, I got caught up talking to some girls and a teacher stopped me to ask about an assignment I need to hand up."

"Okay well are you coming or not. We're gonna be late."

"I think I'll pass. Sorry, Max, now isn't the right time."

"That's fine. Cya." Alex put the phone back in his pocket as he reached for the bandages that were in his backpack. He used them to stop and patch the bleeding on Nick's forehead.

Nick felt the soft padding on his head and opened his eyes slightly ajar. He saw a guy, attending to his wound. He couldn't tell. His vision was still blurry.

Maybe it's L Nick thought before falling unconscious again.

Alex left in a hurry after he was sure Nick was going to be okay. He went back to his locker and grabbed his things for the next lesson.

Nick, woke to a sting on his forehead. He touched it lightly to find a patch covering the wound. Nick froze for a moment realizing that someone was here helping him. He thought back to the glimpse he got of the guy. It was probably L. When Nick had awoken, he found that school ended in 3 minutes. He walked out of the bathroom groggily towards his locker. He hoisted his bag on his back and walked out of school, getting on the bus early.

At home, Nick pushed past anything in his way and B-lined straight for his bedroom and locked himself in there. Despite his mother's screaming and banging on the door, Nick sprawled out on his back on the bed. He pulled out his phone and checked the messages. There were several from L today.





N: Hi...

L: Oh thank goodness.

N: So...

L: Are you okay? I heard what happened. What they did was unacceptable.

N: Yea...

L: Nick is there something else bothering you I can help with?

N: Not right now.

L: Nick. I'm your friend. I'm here to help you with anything.

N:Thanks but I'm just going to sleep. I have a headache from the stuff thrown at me.

L: I understand. Have a good night.

N: You, too.

L: Hey Nick?

N: Yea?

L: Don't mind them.

N: Thanks, L <3

Nick fell asleep dreaming about his dad that night.