Chapter 16

"Yes, Miss. I'm sorry, Max. I didn't mean to burst out like that. We'll pay for any medical bills," Alex says sincerely but on the inside with deceit.

"It's fine. It doesn't hurt much anymore. And I'm sorry for talking shit to you, Nick. Half of those rumours were just what I made up and I don't even know why I did it but I'm really sorry." Max said genuinely with ice on his nose.

"It's okay. Just please don't spread rumours like that, please," Nick replied.

"All right! Now that that's sorted, you may go serve yourself some food and relax for the rest of the night," Miss Bradley said dismissing the boys from the common room. The three boys walked into the dining hall, served themselves in silence and split from Max to sit down at their team table.

"Oh my god you really did a number on his nose, Alex!" Nathan said as the boys sat down, "His bridge is as crooked as a saxophone!" The whole table chuckled.

Dinner continued with the regular talk and the eating within the noisy dining hall full of students. Nick was finally settling in with his new found friends and is feeling the happiest he has been for a long time. Life seems to be turning up for him.


Nick was laying of the common room couch while on his phone when he received a message. It was from L

L: Hey we haven't talked in a bit. Wassup?

N: Hey! Not much. Alex fucked up Max's nose tho which was hilarious

L: I KNOW RIGHT! I saw it. So messed up

N: Yea :)

Nick was smiling as his phone brightly now that he was talking to L. He finally realised, he likes L. The mystery behind the screen, the constant wondering who this person is drove him nuts. And on top of that L was such a nice guy.

L: What actually happened with Max?

N: Well he came over and started talking shit about me and being rude about my dead dad.

L: Shit. That's fucked up. Don't mind him. I'm not surprised Alex did what he did. Are you guys, like, friends now?

N: Yea we are. So is the rest of the team. But you're still my fave haha

L: Same here <3

N: wyd?

L: I went for a walk outside to clear my head.

N: Fair enough.

L: Okay I'm gonna head back. I'll ttyl

N: Sure, cya! <3

L: byeee <3


"Hey, Piano Boy?"


"I think I like you."


"I'm serious. I'm crazy about you... I think... I-I'm in-"

Nick woke up to his dark cold room, staring at the ceiling. He looked to his left to see Alex asleep facing away from him. He sighed as he realised it was just a dream.

Why can't I just say that to L. It's not that hard. Nick thought. He closed his eyes again and fell asleep.