Chapter 13

Chris POV

As I watched her I notice she didn't do one thing... Pray

"Um Justine." I said gaining her attention

"She looks so cute with her cheeks stuff, I bet she'll look even cuter with a mouth full of my cum." I thought as she looked at me

"What?" Justine asked swallowing her food

"Um I take it that you're not the praying type?" I asked observing her

"I-I'm sorry I'm not use to eating around other people." Justine said wiping her mouth drinking from the bottle of Dasani water I offered her earlier

"May I ask why?" I asked hoping I'm not offending her

"Well I haven't been in a relationship since 2012 he was my first real relationship, but he broke things off with me because well he had become famous and he just couldn't see us working out so I got use to eating alone I don't even cook any more I just order take out majority of the time I never eat a public events either, I'm not religious so I don't pray over my food." Justine explained and I digested every word

"So why haven't you gotten back in the dating field? You must have a lot a men that want to court you." I said sipping on my Dr. Pepper

"Hmm they want me, but they don't want me if you understand what I'm saying." Justine said taking a bite of her pepperoni pizza that she smothered in ranch dressing

"Explain." I said looking at her as she relaxed more into her chair

"She's becoming more comfortable being in my presence." I thought hiding a smile with a serious expression

"Not saying all men are like this just the ones I've bumped into, but men don't really want me like they don't wanna deal with the things that come with me my issues, my flaws, my imperfections, and etc they want me physically to fuck me and nothing more treating me like a booty call." Justine explained and I understood exactly what she was saying

"The men were't looking at you like you were human they were looking at you with lustful infatuation they look at your physical being not your mental." I said and she nodded her head

"To be honest with you I have my fun I sleep with guys every now and than, but I don't stay as soon as we have our fun I leave I can't stay around risking my heart catching feelings for someone who'll never feel the same way." Justine said and I listen as she continues on

"Don't get me wrong though it does get lonely sometimes I see all these couples, but than my mind tells me everything ain't what it seems some of these people who flex like they're happiest couple be so miserable in each others presence I don't want that for myself I want someone who will endure the hardship with me, someone who be attentive to my feelings, to my wants, and to my needs and of course I do the same in return be there for them when they feel like they hit a brick wall and don't know what to do I want a relationship that actually stands for love I don't want couple goals I want stability, honesty, communication that is what I want." Justine said and I swore right than I fell in love with her

"You are the first person I ever heard spoke like that of love it lets me know you are a very firm believer of love in its purest form." I said and Justine look away shyly I got up and walked to her crouching down so I can meet her gaze

"M-Mr. Brown-" I cut her off with a passionate kiss

"Call me Chris." I muttered against her lips pulling her up from the chair I backed her up against the wall so she'll have nowhere to run as I begin kissing her again, but this time the kisses were much more intimate and comfortable as if we have already done this before

"Mmm Chris." Justine moaned while I trailed kisses down her throat unzipping the shirt that hid her body from me

"Shhh baby let me take care of you." I whishpered feeling her shiver against my warm body well I felt all over her

"She feels so familiar to me." I thought as it all can back to me

"You were the one I made love to in the hotel room." I said and she gasped staring at me

"W-W-What do you mean?!" Justine asked not understanding

"Hotel room 606." I said and she gasped again from shock

"I can't believe it was you!!" Justine said still in shock

"Well the oppurtunity has presented itself again what do you say?" I asked her feeling her relax under my touch

"Meet me at the same hotel room tonight at exactly 9:00 don't tell anyone." Justine said slipping from underneath me grabbing her purse and bottle or water making her way out my office leaving me there with a hard on