Chapter 16

Justine POV

"Mmmm." I moan waking up before slowly getting out of bed and strecth feeling my spine plus other bones crack before I strip out of my pjs and head towards the shower feeling the luke warm water against my ebony skin using my tea tree oil body wash I begin washing myself riding my body of dirt from last night since Chris had me sweating so much.

I decided to wash my hair so I used my neutrogena T-Gel for dandruff, dry scalp, and etc I got my hair wet first before applying the T-Gel and massaging it into my scalp making sure I thoroughly get it through my hair hearing the squishing noises I looked in the mirror seeing did I get it in my hair good and I seen my hair was completely white from the foam

I leaned my head under the shower head washing the shampoo out of my hair getting all behind my ears and in the back of my head. I lift my head up and squeezed my haird getting rid of the excess water as I continued on with my shower feeling my body and soul cleanse I got out the shower grabbing my favorite purple fluffy towel I dried off my body and hair leaving some water in as I grabbed my cantu leave-in conditioning repair cream I put it all through my hair before grabbing my pick and picking through it seeing how define my curls are I use some of my cantu styling gel and ran it along my hair in the front and back before brushing all my hair up into a curly ponytail on the top of my hair before tying a black head scarf around my hair so it can dry and my edges can stay

I lotioned my body with coconut oil and put on a purple spaghetti strap crop top, purple biker shorts, with my purple Air Jordans

"Jusie-pooh!!" I heard a voice said coming up the stairs into my room

"Ahh!! Jordy-pooh!!!" I yelled embracing her in a tight love hug while Jhené and Mila came in my room too

"Damn bitch you looking good where you going?" Jhené ask slapping my ass

"I was gonna head to Wal-Mart since you and yo hungry ass sister always eating up shit in my crib." I said to Jhené making Jordan laugh

"Y'all c'mon if you coming." I said not waiting for an answer I grab the keys to my... You guessed it purple Bentley truck

We all got in Jordan in the passenger seat, Jhené and Mila in the back seat I start the engine and we were on the road to Wal-Mart

"But on a serious note for real for real Justine you looking like you getting thick who you fucking?!" Jhené ask and Jordan and Mila was agreeing along with her

"Why does it concern you who I'm fucking? You haven't said another word about Sean." I sass and she smacks her teeth

"He mad at me because his baby mama was being petty and I was being petty back." Jhené said

"Wait he got a kid?!" I ask cconfused

"Girl yes they dated before he blew up and they both agreed the child shouldn't be expose to the lime light, but ain't no bitch finna disrespect me over no man especially a man who don't want her ass no more." Jhené said

"While I agree Sean's baby mama shouldn't be petty when the kid is around y'all gotta be adults that ain't cute to be talking crazy around a child." Jordan said and I nod my head in agreement with her

"Besides how old is the child anyway?" I ask Jhené

"He thirteen girl the boy pratically a teenager." Jhené said

"He still shouldn't be witnessing his mom and future step mother arguing like that in front of him." Mila said me and Jordan nodding our heads

"Well y'all know me I can be very goofy, but I'm the most sweetest person y'all know ion be in the mix and I don't be starting with folks so therefore I'm not gonna apologize when I know in my heart I haven't did shit to the bitch." Jhené said and we all laugh at how bougie she sounds

"Well you ain't gotta apologize, but the three of y'all when the child ain't around need to sit down and talk to each other like adults." Mila said

"And if that don't work fuck the both of them." Jordan said and we all laughed

"Yo freaky bisexual ass!!" Mila said and Jordan looks back at her

"Didn't I eat your pussy in eighth grade all the way to tenth grade?" Jordan said making me and Jhené gasps

"Yo what?!" I ask in complete shock grabbing a cart I wheel it down the snack aisle first grabbing some white cheddar popcorn, pretzels, salt and vinegar chips, cool ranch doritos, and than proceeded down the drink aisle before I bump into someone

"Sorry." The voice slowly lifting his head

"Justine?!" Chris ask in surprised

"Chris?!" I said back in the same manner

"Umm... Y'all know each other?" Jhené ask instagating the situation

"Umm yeah remember he owns Black Pyramid." I said and all three of their eyes came out they head

"I mean I knew he was fine, but not this fine!!" Jhené exclaimed and I shook my head

"Y'all so embarrassing I can't take y'all asses nowhere." I hiss at them and they got quiet

"Sorry about them, but Christopher these are my best friends Jordan, Jhené, and Mila if y'all are wondering Jhené and Mila are sisters." I said introducing them

"Hey baby!!" Mila coo'ed hugging the chocolate dude

"Well I guess its my turn these my homies August and the one your friend hugging all up on is Tremaine, but we call him Trey." Chris said August and Trey spoke giving us each a hug

"So ahh Jordan you single?" August ask Jordan with his New Orleans accent

"Ion want a relationship, but we can fuck though." Jordan said I just shook my head

"Ight ma lemme get yo numba." August said and Jordan took his phone and type in her number

"Well how about we all have a grown up sleep over." Chris said

"Hmmm thats cool say you friends with Sean?" I ask him without Jhené hearing me

"Yeah why?" Chris asks

"Well Jhené is sad because Sean mad at her so I was wondering if you could..." I said trailing off

"Say no mo I gotcha." Chris said making me smile and I hug him

"Thanks." I said kissing his cheek

"OOOOO!!!" Everyone said as they saw

"Man it ain't like that." Chris said

"For real y'all doing too much, but what do y'all say sleep over or nah?" I ask

"Yeah I'm down." Jordan said

"Count me in." Mila said

"Yeah I'll bring my ass." August said

"Y'all can catch me there." Trey said

"I ain't coming everyone paired up except me." Jhené said pouting

"Please Jhené I promise you won't be alone scouts honor." I said doing our scouts promise sign

"Ughhh fine, but there better be liquor and chocolate ice cream." Jhené said and everyone cheered

"So when we having it?" Chris and I thought about it

"Well ain't nobody doing shit today so lets have it today!!" I said and everyone nodded

As we walk around in a big old group with seperate carts to get the snacks and stuff for the sleep over

"So who house we having it at?" I ask

"We can have it at my crib my living room big so everyone can have space on the floor and I got a playstation with multiple controllers so we good on games and stuff." Chris says and I nodd

"Go ahead and text Sean." I whisper to him and he nods before sending a text to me so I'll know his address

"Aight we got everything?" Chris ask

"Yeah." Everyone said and he paid for his groceries and the snacks

"Who stuff is that?" Chris ask since I was still pushing my cart with my groceries in it

"Ohh these are my groceries." I told him and he nodded as he started putting my groceries on the thing so the lady can ring them up

"Is all this together?" The lady ask him

"Yeah." He said and I gasped

"Chris those are my groceries." I said baffled that he wants to pay for them

"I know, but I can't let you spend your money when you're with me." He said smiling

"Please put these items in seperate bags and August, Trey y'all put my groceries and the sleep over snacks in the car while I help her." Chris said the lady nodded and he put my groceries back in my cart for me

"Your total is $2,567.34." The lady at the register said Chris gave the lady his Wal-Mart card which took off a lot bringing his total all the way down to $86.13

"Alright lets go." Chris said and he gave Trey the keys to his car and he walked with me, Jordan, Jhené, and Mila to my car while they got in the car Chris helped me put my groceries in the trunk

"Chris I really appreciate this thank you so much I owe you one." I said closing my trunk

"The only thing you owe is a date lets say next Saturday? Because I'm a have my kids this weekend." Chris said and I nod my head understanding

"Next Saturday." I said and I wrap my arms around his neck and he picked me up and we started tongue kissing

"Mmm baby." I moan quietly feeling him lick my neck

"Fuck you taste good girl." Chris groans rubbing his cock against me

"As much as I want to baby I got frozen stuff in my bags so I need to hurry and get home." I said kissing Chris one last time just as August and Trey walk up to us

"You ready Breezy?" August ask Chris looking at me

"Yeah Trey go see yo baby girl before we leave." Chris said and Trey approaches my car opening the door kissing Mila before closing my door back not too hard and he hugs me as well

Chris watches me till I got in my car and he got in his, he blew his horn at me going down the opposite direction of the road and I went the other way