Chapter 19

Justine POV

As I drove us all to Chris's place I begun to grow nervous not knowing what to expect at this sleepover since his house was an hour and thirty-six minutes away from where we live we stop by the grocery again and pick up more snacks I even bought two boxes of Super Doughnuts

And we bought more chips and soda we didn't wanna arrive empty handed so once we got what we needed we got back on the road and arrived at Chris's house

"Alright y'all we here please be on y'all best behavior." I said mostly talking to Jordan and Jhené

"Girl its a sleep over chill just a little everything will be okay." Mila said assuring me things will be good as we walked up to his porch the door opened before we could even knock

"Well hello ladies we glad you're here! Came just in time too." August said letting us in and we smell and saw so much food

"Damnnnn Chris went all out." Mila said licking her lips noticing the food

"Oh dear Jesus." I sigh as we all came in the boys instructed us to sit our bags in our rooms than come back downstairs

"Alrighty everyone wash their hands and stuff now we just waiting on Chris." Trey said and just than we hear someone coming down the stairs

"Hey y'all finally made it." Chris said pulling Jordan, Jhené, and Mila into side hugs while give me a full embrace

"I text Sean he on his way." Chris said whispering in my ear and I smile as we pull away

"Ooouuu I see y'all caking over there." Jordan said teasing and I roll my eyes at her when all of a sudden there was a knock at the door Trey opened and it was Sean

"Sean?" Jhené asks in shock not expecting him to be here

"Jhené?" Sean said coming closer to her and pulling her into a hug earning awws from us

"Now that everyone is here lets turn the fuck up!!!" Chris yelled and we all cheer blasting music from the surround sound system