Koshiro 0.5

The whole scenario didn't seem to bother Hiro a single bit. I wondered if he tried to act as though nothing happened or if he was truly unbothered. When the end credit rolled, most of the cars started to line up for the exit. I slipped the USB in my empty soda cup and covered the lid back to avoid suspicion.

He drove by a vending machine to buy a mars bar when I noticed the silver Toyota that had been tailing us. I didn't mention it to Hiro, but I took extra precautions on my way back to the apartment.

"Thanks for the night, drive safely," I blew a kiss to throw off our stalker.

"I had a lot of fun tonight. Night sweet girl," he played along before driving off.

I watched the same silver car drove by the complex gate from my window. I seemed to be in their lookout. It would be too late to back out now. I had nothing to lose for helping him, or so I thought.

And not to mention, Hiro promised to award me for my help and involvement in the case. I plugged in the USB to my computer and read the first legal document ever to be directed to me.

To summarize the file, it mentioned that the contract was legally binding and breaches of it would result in serious consequences. In relation to my acceptance, the company would provide me with gadgets for the tasks and allowed them to monitor my movement as an extension to the transparency clause.

My safety and anonymity would be taken care of by the company. And as for the fake relationship, activities would only be carried on with my consent.

My life had always been normal and basic, suddenly I was recruited by a law firm to hinder the Yakuza from acquiring them. I wouldn't be allowed to announce or raise suspicion about my involvements.

It required me to carry on with my normal university life and even mentioning about it in a diary or any form of documentation would be considered a breach of contract. I convinced myself that the reward would be worth it, and it shouldn't be that hard to just follow instructions and do some research.


I spent the day sulking around my room and cleaning out my laptop as I had a day off. My next class wouldn't start until another month. Clause and Claudia apologized for the mess they caused the previous day and asked if I wanted to join them for lunch.

They mentioned that Michael and Suze would be there. The contract still had me feeling queasy about social interactions. So, I lied and said that I had some debate related task that needed to be done today as I was the secretary of the club.

I went to school just in time for my fake debate appointment in our club's meeting room. I spent about two hours looking at Pinterest boards until it was time to meet Hiro at the car park.

He had sunglasses on and was leaning on his car with his arms folded. The contract stated that the deal would start once I met him in the parking lot. It meant our fake relationship would begin as soon as we interacted.

"Hey, you look nice," I smiled.

"Hey gorgeous. Ready to go?" he turned to hug me.

"Mhm," I was taken aback by his action.

Hiro opened the door for me, and I waited for him to start the car and drive us out of here.

"Are you okay? You look mortified," he asked as he slammed his door.

"Uhm…no. It's just that I've never hugged any guys other than Clause before," I started to blush.

"Not even your ex?" he drove out of the school area.

"I don't have any."

"Wait, what?" he hit the break abruptly at a red light.

"You're saying it like it's a bad thing."

"You agreed to fake a relationship with me without knowing what it will be like," he turned to me with a concerned face.

"I'm not totally clueless about romance," I crossed my arms to be defensive.

"We need to be convincing enough in the eye of the court. You looked like I just murdered a puppy."

"You hug people you just started to date?"

"Why not?"

"It's not uncommon for people to refrain from being physical while dating."

"Ren, do you really think people would believe that two consenting adults are dating without ever being seen hugging or holding hands? Look at us! They'll think that we are starting a literature club."

"I'm just saying we should take it slow."

"You're killing me! How is a fake relationship so hard?"

"At least we're arguing like a real couple."

He sighed, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to be argumentative. But a lot is riding on this case, and I wouldn't want it to be my fault if we lose."

"I'm sorry too. I should've told you about it earlier."

"It's fine. I did write that I needed your consent before proceeding with any plan."

"Well, we can do the bare minimum that will still convince the judge that we are dating."

"I guess you're right. But please try to be more open to the idea. I'm not doing this for my own sick fantasy either. And I would never force you to kiss me."

I nodded and sat quietly as Hiro drove us somewhere. It was at this moment that I realized I didn't know where he was taking me. Our surrounding was getting less and less crowded by buildings. Houses were spaced out widely from one another and the complex wasn't gated. It was one of the poshest neighborhoods I had ever seen.

"We're here," he said as he parked the car on the driveway of the biggest house.

"Uh… where is here?" I unbuckled my seat belt.

"Oh sorry, I totally forgot. This is my house. Stay there," he went out and closed his door.

I had no trouble sitting still as I was dumbfounded by the fact that my fake boyfriend stayed in a grand mansion.

He opened my door and offered his hand, "I make a really good boyfriend, don't I?"

"Still rubbing it in my face, huh?" I smiled sarcastically.