Koshiro 0.7

The first profile in the document was Kenichi Tanaka, the current head of the Tanaka Law Enterprise, father of three sons. He had had a history of heart problems over the past 10 years though it wasn't publicized.

The last heart attack he suffered after his by-pass was reported to the public by a news outlet and triggered the start of the family rivalry. He got married at the age of 35 and would be celebrating his 30th anniversary in a week. His own father sent him abroad at the age of 13 and was a self-taught martial artist.

The second profile was Kelly Tanaka, wife of Kenichi, mother of three sons. Used to be Kelly Smith. She got married at the young age of 18. Her parents arranged her marriage to the Tanaka family as a business merger agreement between the Smith restaurant chain and Shao Tanaka.

The bond between the two families were supposed to provide the Smiths with protection and the Tanakas with more business opportunity. She became pregnant with her first son at the age of 23.

Next was Roberto Tanaka, son of Shao and half-brother of Kenichi. His father had married another woman after the death of Kenichi's mother. He shared pretty much the same childhood as his older brother though he showed a different interest at a young age.

They both studied law abroad, but he was more interested in the underground aspect of the family. After the passing of their father, he fully joined the mafia and ran their business overseas. Both brothers agreed to not join the police force or military and would discourage their successors as well. No available information regarding marriage nor kids.

Kenji Tanaka, the first born of Kenichi. He was the man in the navy suit and stood at 5'9". His whole life was prepared by his father to take over the family company. He spent a few years abroad before working along side his family in the Tanaka Law Enterprise. No record of romantic relationship.

He was responsible of most of the firm's operations. He was their mother's favorite child as he helped her with the restaurant the most. But, being the first son meant he would inherit the company after his father's passing though it wasn't his passion.

Tadashi Tanaka, the middle child. He was the man with the eagle tattoo. He had a straight dark red hair. Due to his father's mandates, he wasn't allowed to join the crime world nor the military.

As a result, he spent most of his time working out, practicing martial arts, or playing with weapons. He recently opened a liquor business and a security firm of his own. He was the quietest of the three brothers, but he had a soft spot for his youngest brother. No record of romances. He was 6'3" and built of mostly muscle.

Koshiro Tanaka, the last born. Stood at 6' and was physically fit. Both older brothers agreed that he was their father's favorite as he showed great interest in the law firm even as a kid. He was sent abroad for high school.

Unlike his brothers, he preferred reading books and watching foreign movies rather than endeavoring in sports. Spoke five different languages. Was a straight A student. No record of romances and had the least number of friends compared to his brothers.

Him and Tadashi were an inseparable pair as kids and teens. Both went through a lot in the years they were away from each other. Kenji was always the one tutoring his little brothers as a kid and cooked for them when they worked in the office. The two youngest siblings fought with each other the most, but were the closest at the same time. Everyone in the family had a basic self-defense and martial art training.

"I'm done reading this file," I closed the document.

"Toss it in the shredder. We only keep one soft copy of the file. So, we must destroy any other copies made," he pointed at the paper shredder.

"Who has it?" I fed the papers one by one.

"Kenji, he holds everyone's important documents. If there were any leaks, it would be easier to trace back."

There was about an inch of water at the bottom the shredder and I had just realized that it was there for a reason. The torn papers would turn into pulps so that people wouldn't be able to recover the information. A stack of recycled paper was piled next to the machine.

"I like your little art project," I pointed at the stack.

"Thanks, I thought of it myself. I made my brothers recycle their confidential documents too. Now we rarely print personal documents on fresh papers."

"You really are the nerd of the family, huh?" I walked over to the bean bag again.

"What? Is that the conclusion you draw from the file?" he closed his laptop.

"You're a daddy's boy and you can watch Inglorious Basterds without subtitle," I folded my arms.

"Well, I thought I'd be the most eligible bachelor between the three of us," he pouted.

"Sure,' I smiled.

"What do you think of the rest of my family then?" he raised an eyebrow.

"I think it's best if I keep my opinion to myself."

"C'mon, I won't snitch."

"Don't get offended, okay?"

He nodded and sat up straight to listen attentively.

'Your grandpa sounds selfish, but he spent the rest of his life trying to make up for it. Your uncle might just act out because he felt less loved even though he was treated fairly. Your mom and dad eventually fell in love with each other and didn't have any kids until they did.

"Kenji is a control freak as a way to prove to your father that he was able to take over after he was gone because he feels guilty if he didn't although it wasn't his true calling. And he knew that Tadashi wouldn't want to take over either and didn't want to burden him with inheriting it if he passed on it.

"He didn't want you to take responsibility over the firm at such a young age either because you would miss out on being young the way he did. Tadashi wanted to rebel against your father too, but he didn't want to become a bad example for you either.

"So, he coped with it by building small businesses on the side. And you are unaware of all this because you focused too much on being perfect. Because you enjoy being right."

"Wow. You're good."

Suddenly his bedroom door opened, "and that's why we hired you."