Koshiro 2.2

"Game set!" Kenji announced.

Hiro got out of the pool and put on a robe from a pool chair to cover his body. At first, I thought he might be bothered by the windy environment, but it became clear that he was trying to hide his little secret from me. I tried to avoid looking at his torso as I strolled over to congratulate him.

"Hey! You beat him by about half a lap! I didn't know you're such a good swimmer," I praised.

"What are you being so cheerful for?" he combed his hair back.

"Uh… I mean you won, aren't you happy about that?"

"Heh… he knew I would easily win the race."

"Oh," I was stumped.

"Now it's your turn."

"Wait, what?!"

'You heard me. 5 laps. Go!'


So, he hadn't forgotten about making me do my cardio. I thought he might have let me off the hook this time, but I guess he was serious about our training. I gave him a pitiful look; hoping he would cut me some slack after my intense workout. He responded with a pout and tried to look away from my face. I continued to pester him for another couple minutes until Tadashi walked over to us.

"Don't push your girlfriend too hard on her first day," he put his hand on Hiro's shoulder before disappearing into the house.

My friend sighed and held up three fingers, "happy? Go quick, before I change my mind."

"Yes, Boss!"

I smiled with satisfaction and pranced away to get changed. The first lap was a walk in the park, but every subsequent laps after were hell. My limbs started to cramp just before I finished my last one. I hadn't put much thought into it, but I decided to take a break in the middle of the pool.

By break I meant floating on the water facing down. It seemed like a legit and logical answer to my problem, but I hadn't put into consideration what people around me might think.

I took my sweet time relaxing my muscles after straining them. I emptied my mind to decrease my metabolic activity so that I could hold my breath longer. Suddenly I felt my body getting hauled to the edge of the pool.

"What the h*ck?" I spat as I looked up.

"Are you okay?" Hiro held onto my waist.

"Yeah, why were you carrying me? I still have half a lap to go."


"Oh, right. No, I wasn't drowning. I'm sorry to worry you like that. Hehe…" I laughed awkwardly.

He stared at me like I was crazy, that was when I noticed that what I did was not a common response towards fatigue.

"I used to do this thing where I just lay and rest in the middle of the water to prevent my muscles from cramping. Sorry if I scared you."

"I thought you were trying to pull a prank on me, but you didn't move 2 whole minutes!"

"Well, I can hold my breath for 5 minutes if you're concerned," I scratched my cheek.

He finally let go of me and sulked by a corner of the pool with his hands crossed. His head was resting on his arm as he gazed longingly at the tennis court. I felt kind of bad for making him worry about me all the time.

I knew he didn't want to show his affection or concern outwardly and I understood that it might be embarrassing for him to do so with his family witnessing his soft side. We weren't even dating.

I swam across and wrapped my arms loosely around his neck to use him as a ladder, "are you mad at me?"

My sudden interruption made him frozen in place as his cheeks began to flush brighter and brighter, "w-what are you doing?"

"Hmm…? Well, you can carry me around the pool if it makes you feel better. I know you like to be helpful to me. Sorry that I scared you like that, but you don't have to worry about me, I can take care of myself."

He held my hands softly and mumbled, "I just don't want you to get hurt because of me."


'Forget it," he unlatched my hands of him like a shirt button.

Hiro got out of the pool and put on his robe before entering his quarter. I watched him walk away silently and wondered if I offended him with my words or action.

"Don't agitate him like. The boy's shy," Kenji stood behind me.

"Ah! God, you scared me."

"Sorry. I'm just saying that he's not used to such forward approach from a girl."

"Uh… What do you mean?"

"Gosh, you're even more dense than an Iridium,' he facepalmed. "He's not as calm and collected as you might think. Just give him some time to get used to it."


"He's not used to being cuddly. I assumed you two haven't even kissed, right?"

"Eh? What?!' the realization just hit me. 'I-I didn't mean to…we're not dating! It's just a misunderstanding! I swear!"

"Hahaha… Young love," Kenji headed into the house; leaving me alone in the huge pool.

I wanted to slap myself for being so foolish and insensitive. What was I thinking? I didn't have the intention to tease him or make a suggestive move. Now I started to overthink about what my friend might thought of me. Would he think that I was being sleazy? I got out of the pool and dried myself with a spare towel before getting in the shower in my guest room.

I spent about half an hour mindlessly scrubbing the chlorine out of my hair while making up imaginary scenario of what I was supposed to say to Hiro. Should I apologize for being ignorant despite knowing his feelings towards me. Did I offend him by making it seem like his heroism was childish? Oh God! I hated confrontations and feeling guilty.