Koshiro 3.0

Instinctively, the four of us shot confused looks at each other. Tadashi shifted closer to Hiro and handed him one of the bullets he had pocketed.

"No vital organs," he warned.

My friend nodded and tried to load his gun as quietly as he could. He looked around to see if the coast was clear and crawled out of his hiding place. After a few seconds of aiming and steady breathing, he finally fired through one of the ripped rice paper. The bullet travelled straight towards their uncle's knee. Our weary and watchful eyes peeked from underneath to ensure a safe escape.

* Clink *

"I thought you said you wouldn't miss the next one," our intruder deflected the bullet with his sword.

A single sweat ran down my friend's forehead, "that sword…"

"Why don't we have a proper adult conversation in the ritual room after I'm done paying my respect to my late father? Let's make this easy for both of us."

Hiro faced his brothers for their advice on what to do next. Their expressions were shrouded with fear, anger, and curiosity. I couldn't see the benefit of trying to get another shot at him and decided to take charge of the situation. I climbed out from beneath the patio and bowed before the broken door.

"We'll wait for you in the ritual room. No weapons involved," I negotiated.

"I'll leave my brother's sword out of view if my foolish nephews would do the same with their weapons," he eyed Tadashi.

I signaled to the brothers behind me to stay put, "we promise."

"Very well. I'll be there in 15 minutes," he retreated his sword and continued with his previous activity. "Finally, someone who has common sense."

I walked away and pulled the bundle of testosterone-filled men by their shirts. As we got closer to the agreed location, more unconscious bodies were seen littering the floor. They all had some sort of needle sticking out of their neck.

"Phew! At least they're not dead," Kenji sighed.

"What?" Hiro crouched.

"Poppy's Kiss. A temporary sedative he's known for. What a scary botanist."

"How long will they be out for?"

"Maximum, another hour."

"Are we going to ignore the fact that he has our father's sword?" Tadashi protested.

"Well, can you think of an escape plan? What's running away gonna do for us now? And he knows where we live," my friend questioned.

"Uh, I don't know. Maybe we can try to not get killed by that maniac!"

"The signals and electronics are still acting up. We have no leverage in going somewhere blindly. Who knows who we can trust now. He could've cut us into pieces if he wanted to. Let's not forget that this place has zero surveillance right now," I interrupted.

Tadashi looked at the dead CCTVs around us, "dammit!" He searched his phone for some answer but eventually admitted defeat.

"Ren is right. And we all know that he didn't take the sword from our house. He must've visited the hospital some time after we had left the house. There's no way of knowing if he's still alive now," my friend defended.

"If what you're saying is right, then I had no doubt that father is still alive," the middle child let us into the room through the cramped floor.

"What led you to that conclusion? Weren't you just accusing our uncle of being a murderer?" Kenji tailed behind.

"I was suggesting his capability of doing so, not necessarily his true intention. Besides, Hiro was the only person who almost killed someone."

"Excuse me?" his younger brother shoved his shoulder.

"Hey! I told you not to hit any vital organs. You aimed at his head on your own accord. He let the guards live. Why do you think?"

"Maybe he's just plain bonkers."

"Sure, that's a possibility. But let's hear what Ren thinks," the oldest brother turned.

"U-uh… Would it be crazy if your dad wanted him to help us?" I bit my lips.

"I believe in anything at this point," Tadashi shrugged and emptied his pocket before entering the room.

"So, let's agree to behave ourselves and listen to what he has to say," Kenji emptied his and followed inside.

Hiro turned to me and grabbed my shoulders, "if things go south, promise me that you'll run away. He won't be looking for you. We'll try our best to fulfill our agreement and protect you."

"Let's hope that it wouldn't be necessary," I hugged him.

We flipped our pockets out to ensure every last item was on the floor. Hiro went inside and sat with his brothers as I scanned the array of random objects they had laid out. Four bullets from Hiro's revolver, the pistol, a small pocketknife, two steel throwing blades, a pack of gum, a pen knife, two wristwatches, their phones and wallets, and one of Tadashi's shoe.

I joined them in the room, closed the door, and sat next to my friend as we waited for our unwelcomed guest. The oldest sibling had his eyes glued to the ceiling of the room while his younger brother was sprawled on the floor; one ear on the ground. I tried to whisper into Hiro's ear to ask about the single shoe hanging by the door. I guess my voice wasn't soft enough or perhaps he had felt the judgment burning at the back of his head, but Tadashi got up on his elbows and answered.

"I installed a sickle at the heel of that shoe," he mumbled.

"What about the other shoe?"

" Nothing in this one," he lifted his foot and rested it on the center wooden table.

The sound of an object being placed on the ground was heard and the door slid open. The tanned individual stood confidently at its frame. His gaze bore into our skulls as he crossed his arms and scoffed; as if disapproving our childish behavior.

"Have you all lost your manners?" he inquired sternly.

Tadashi shot up and slouched by the table, "and why should we listen to you now?"

"Because your father had decided to make me his successor."

"What?!" we exclaimed in unison.

"He knew about your mother. That's another thing we should stop. But we need to rush and change his will while he can still sign it. I knew that he had appointed one of you to safeguard it."

"Why should we believe you?" Kenji stood up.

"So, it's you. Let's go. Quick. Before that soul-sucking succubus get to him."

"Wait, I'm so confused. Why should we stop their mom and let you take over? Shouldn't Kenji inherit the company after their father's death?" I turned to figure out Kenji's reaction.

His face went pale as he looked up to lock eyes with his uncle, "I've never opened the will."