Koshiro 3.4

"Do you have anything else to say?" Tadashi rubbed his reddening cheek.

"No," Kenji stepped back as Roberto pulled the two apart.

"What about you?" he shot an accusing glance at Kelly.

"I'll use this moment to answer any question and doubt you might have about me and our future company," she smiled.

"What happened to Makoto? We knew that the warehouse was a ruse. Where is he now?"

"Oh, darling. Did you really think that peasant would have survived a hanging? What a loyalist; kept asking me to not hurt the boys. They disgust me the most, but most satisfying to get rid of."

Kenji's eyes widened, "that footage was staged, right?"

Kelly sighed, "you're still the soft little boy I abandoned years ago it seems. That video we sent was pre-recorded. His body should be swimming with the fishes right about now."


"Well, I shouldn't say swimming. He's probably at the bottom of the ocean; tied to a giant rock. Of course, they would blame Roberto for it. He did have his DNA and fingerprint all over the crime scene. And there's nothing we can do as we don't have a deal with the police department. Yet," she smirked.

"You rotten whore!" Kenji lunged, but Tadashi stopped him.

"So, there's only one thing left standing between you and your dream," Hiro finally spoke up.

"Smart boy. I know you're not as innocent as you portray yourself to be. And soon the world will see that. I will paint that picture for you. I could already see the headline on the papers," Kelly grabbed my hand and pulled it towards her husband.

"W-what are you doing?" my mouth was dry with fear.

"Since when have you been planning to use her?" my friend stepped closer to Tadashi.

"Oh, this was a complete coincidence; as rare as it may sound. I couldn't risk her ruining my plan when she almost caught me. But now she serves a better purpose in my agenda. The perfect alibi. The perfect crime. There was no surveillance in the room in the first place. That was Kenji's idea. How would the police be treating the case?"

"Sh*t," Kenji cussed under his breathe.

"And I heard that they were still installing the CCTVs on this floor. So, there's no evidence that you didn't sneak inside to murder my husband. There was no record of you on the guestbook either. Not to mention, the signal interference in the family house. For all the media cares, you were scheming together to inherit the company unrightfully from me," she looked at Roberto's face for the first time. "Especially with him here."

"You're planning to put your own family in jail?" Tadashi commented.

"If it ensures the smooth sailing of my business, then yes. I know you do the exact same, given your current situation. I can vouch for you. You wouldn't have to be in the middle of this mess."

"How are you gonna guarantee it?"

"I'll make you CFO and you'll be free to join the military or the police forces while I take care of the firm. We'll have them in writing."

"I'd sign the deal if you do the deed yourself."

"Hahaha… Do you think I'm that dumb?"

"I didn't prohibit you from covering your fingerprints. One button is all it takes. I need to know that you have it in you."

"U-uh… Why don't you do it then? Why don't you prove yourself to me?" her voice faltered; she was getting nervous.

"You chose me to help you. You could've easily picked Kenji or separated Hiro. But instead, you underestimated the strength of my individuality."

"W-what makes you say that? I chose you because your brothers wouldn't have given you the same chance that I could. We can have a new life together!"

Tadashi walked closer to us, "so, do it. Prove to me that you can do it."

"I-I don't have to do anything you told me. Y-you should be the one listening to me."

"You want me to just listen to you? The same way my brothers told me to follow their bidding? I thought you wanted to 'give me the recognition I deserved', was that how you put it?"

"E-eheh. How would I be sure about your loyalty towards me too? You have your father's blood after all."

He took a few steps closer, "good question. But you should be answering that. You. Picked. Me. Remember?"

"Stop! Or I'll actually pull the plug," she threatened.

"Be my guest. Let's see if you can take the final step towards your own kingdom."

"I'm serious!" she rushed away from Kenichi and stood behind me with her hand on my stomach. "Not a step closer!"

I felt a cold sharp object on my stomach. Her face was inches away from mine.

I couldn't tell what was about to happen. Did Tadashi have a plan all along? Why was no one stopping him? Even Kenji who had been explosive and emotional just minutes ago was standing still with his eyes stuck to his dad.

Roberto rested his head on the wall with his eyes closed; as if waiting for the worse thing to happen. I could see Hiro picking on the skin of his thumb again.

I had been observing his behaviors and habits whenever he was distressed or got involved in an unsettling conversation. He would always pick on the cuticles of his thumbs. I called him out on it once as he would accidentally peel off too thick of a skin and caused it to bleed.

He told me that the habit started whenever his parents would fight. Therefore, I deduced that something about Tadashi's approach reminded him of it.

His unstable mother had been the subject of the family's ignorance. At the back of their mind I was so sure that they knew. But nobody did anything, and it was their fault. But, so did I. I hid the last missing puzzle that could have ended this.

If this was to be my last breathe, I would have deserved it. The blood would be on her hands and there would be no denying it this time. We could easily win the case now. My sacrifice and clumsy decision would be worth it.

My heart ache with pity and sympathy for my friend. All those times I was hesitant to ask and comfort him; wasted.

My heart ache with pity and sympathy for my friend. All those times I was hesitant to ask and comfort him; wasted. I didn't know what was going to happen, but I wanted to make his pain go away.

As if out of reflex, I reached out and bit her ear.