Sebastian 0.6

The valet took the car as we walked into the restaurant. The brick-patterned walls were decorated with steelworks and humongous windows to let the guests absorb the night view of the city. Flowers draped from the ceiling to mimic a shower of petals. It felt like a completely separate realm from the outside world. The contrast between the dying leaves and blooming flowers was a refreshing sight. The waiter brought us to our tables and announced that he would be serving the chef's choice for our dinner tonight.

"I love your shoulders. This is the first time you've worn something like this around me. I'm honored,' he held my hands.

"I know. I didn't know if they would look good on me. I'm glad I tried."

"Pardon me, mister and missus. Shall I pour the champagne now?" a sommelier offered.

"Are you okay with drinking? It's okay if you don't want to– "

"It's okay, Seb. We'll try the champagne," I answered.

It was the first time I had ever had a sweet and tolerable alcoholic drink. The fizz added an element of surprise and frenzy. I had a couple more flutes of champagne before our appetizer arrived. Sebastian strictly had one to make sure he would still be fine to drive us home. He was really understanding and caring. He wanted me to have the time of my life for every second that I spent with him. He made sure that I enjoyed the activity and respected my decisions.

"I'll get you a bottle of the finest champagne in town for your birthday next week," he smiled dreamily.

"I don't wanna get accustomed to this feeling," I took a bite of my food.

"I know. Everything in moderation."

"Everything in moderation."

'Hold fast to dreams

For if dreams die

Life is a broken-winged bird

That cannot fly.

Hold fast to dreams

For when dreams go

Life is a barren field

Frozen with snow.'

"Langston Hughes,' I uttered.

"It reminds me a lot of you. You really mean a lot to me. You've taught me to be strong and rational. I love you so much, my dear Isabelle," he said as he rested his chiseled chin on his hand.

It was one of the first poems I had shown him throughout our library sessions. I didn't think he would put the effort into memorizing it. That quote had landed me a scholarship in this foreign country far from home and brought me the love of my life. The air around us felt still and for once, I felt like we could take on the world together; as long as he was by my side.

"The entrée," the waiter served us our main course.

We finished our scrumptious dish and moved on to dessert. The dining area was only lit by fairy lights and a few oil lanterns here and there. The romantic setting made our dinner feel even more intimate and cozy. By the time we were done with our chocolate cakes, the clock had struck ten. Seb paid for the meal and he walked me to the opposite area from where we had come from.

"Where are we going?" I probed.

"You'll see," he held unto my hand.

We arrived at a balcony overlooking an empty beach. The then orange view of the city had turned navy with the moon. The ridges of sand solemnly waited in gloom. Suddenly my inner child was woken up from a deep slumber and instilled the urge to run along the sand and dip my feet in the freezing water. As if as an instinct, I took off my heels and blankly went down the wooden steps to the beach. The sea called my name longingly, so much so that I had forgotten my date that trotted behind.

"Isabelle!" he took off his coat and covered my shoulder with it.

"Let's walk around for a bit," I looked up at him.

"Lead the way," he said as he held unto his oxford shoes and socks.