Chapter 14

"How dare you enter my palace after what you've done? And who is this girl that you're bringing with you?" he asked them, his voice showing his anger. "Do you think someone like her should be allowed to enter the palace?" he asked again giving her a deadly glance from head to toes. Alice felt shivers all over her body. 

"Let's calm down shall we? Why don't we go inside and we can talk? You can also tell me why you had people forbidding me from entering the palace" Nacht told him still in a more cheerful tone, trying to calm his angry spirit. 

"I think it's obvious. I forbid you to go to Nyx and you did it anyways and on top of that you return with a prostitute! Is this kingdom a game to you?" Julius, the King of Sol shouted and Alice noticed that the soldiers who were standing at the front gate had quietly disappeared. The girl immediately felt like she was entering a very dangerous warzone. 

"Wait. How did you had people following me? After all these years you still… I am disappointed in you. Come on Alice, we will go meet the queen. She is much more reasonable than the arrogant King" Nacht insulted him and took her hand, grabbing her and leading her up the stairs of the entrance. The King stood in front of them, staring down at Nacht and the red haired man clicked his tongue, annoyed. 

"Where do you think you're going?" He asked him. 

"Inside isn't that obvious?" Nacht said, his smiles and cheeky remarks long gone. Alice instinctively tried to take her hand away. She didn't want to evoke the wrath of a king. She had just arrived there, the last thing she wanted was being skinned alive or hanged because she insulted someone she shouldn't.

"Are you really going to keep pissing me off? Just because you and I…" Julius began saying but his eyes landed again on the girl. His stare traveled to their intertwined hands and stayed there for a while. Alice flinched and kept her breath, during the whole time. What was she supposed to do?

"This girl will be my partner. She is a magician, an Attacker like me. She will stay here." 

"Who approved of this? She is from Nyx. What if she betrays us?" Julius asked enraged. 

"I won't." Alice cut in unable to keep silent any longer. She needed this chance, she couldn't get kicked out on her first day. She had to stay and if the King hated her that would be proven really difficult. "I have only bad memories of this place, all I want is a new start. I don't care about Nyx or its people the same way they did not care about me. I was sold there, how could I possibly do something for them?" 

The girl did not lie. She never nurtured positive feelings towards her homeland. It never felt like a home after all. Alice was imprisoned in a tall building all of her life, she hadn't even seen the rest of Kingdom so how could she have any affections for a place like that? A Kingdom where they were trying to hide the injustice in the shadow of the royal family, shining so blindly as they seemed to be blessed by the Three Great Magicians. She wished this place to become history. 

"You were sold? Who could do…" Julius mumbled, for th first time feeling empathy for the girl. He sighed, rubbing aggressively his temples and stopped talking for a while. "Get her inside, dress her up and fix her before she meets the queen. Make sure no one finds out where she came from or what she was. I won't go through the same thing I did with you. It's been eight years since then. I like my peace." Nacht smiled brightly and nodded. Seeming excited once more. 

"Julius…" the man called out and the King looked at him. Alice realized that his face was indeed harsh, tortured by the burning sun but at the same time he had a very charming aura surrounding him. He was handsome but not in the pretty boy Nacht was, even with his scar. He reminded her more of a man and she wondered how old he was. "Thank you."

"Just go inside already." The King mumbled but he didn't follow them as they entered the palace. He turned around and headed into another tower. 

"Come on." Nacht said and brought her in. The palace was actually chilly and the girl wondered how was that possible since the sun was burning outside. The walls were a bright white color with light blue designs in some places. Flowers or clouds and suns. Very delicately painted in the corners. The windows were even more pretty on the inside. Casting many different colors on the marbled beige floors. The entrance was huge and Alice faced many different staircases and closed doors. This palace almost seemed like a maze. "So this is the main building, this huge staircase leads to the throne room. The other one to the ball room, this door back there, the small one leads to the royal kitchen. There are other parts of the castle too. The royal garden, an infirmary, the bedroom, the tower the wizards live and much more. It will get some time to get used to it. Its structure is slightly complicated. First though we need you to get changed and dolled up" Nacht said with a smile and wiggled his eyebrows, taking again her hand. All this time they had been touching each other but she didn't feel uncomfortable at all. 

"Nacht you and the King seem close. What are you hiding from me?" Alice asked.

"Nothing really, just my past" he joked and the conversation immediately stopped because he put a clear line there. He didn't want to talk about it. 

Alice followed him silently, as the sprinted in the wide halls. She was even getting a makeover. Lucky her, she thought. 


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