Chapter 20

"What?" Erica asked as she approached her brother. Her kind eyes had widened and she looked outside the room filled with anxiety. "Are they after the king?" 

"I don't know. We found three guards dead already. One is barely alive; we need you to help him so he can talk to us. Big brother is still on his journey so you're the only one." David told her and grabbed her wrist. "Come on. We need to hurry." 

"Wait!" Alice called out, feeling her heart beat faster. She threw the sheets away and with her bare feet she approached them. "What should I do?" she asked, wanting to be of some use. It was obvious that both of them seemed lost, trying to find a way out of this chaos that has been recently created. Alice wanted to offer a helping hand. She had been brought there to be a part of the magicians after all. 

"We don't know what they want or who they are after. You are not trained so it would be better if you stayed in your room. It's rare that they're after one of us so I don't think they will approach the tower. We will go and guard the King and the Queen." David told her, rejecting her offer. 

At this point she understood why he was telling her this. She would be a burden if she run around untrained looking for an experienced killer. Alice sighed and shook her head, deciding that it would be better if she took their advice. 

"Go then, please let me know if everything is alright later." She said and David nodded before he rushed his sister away. Erica looked at her with a worried expression, probably not wanting to leave her alone since she was still slightly unwell but it was obvious she didn't have any other option. The King and the Queen were and should be their first priority. 

After closing the door Alice paced around, biting her finger nails as she waited. She had no idea what was happening or why, how long it would take and the fact that she was unfamiliar with situations like this made her worry even more unbearable. She wore her boots and fixed her hair, trying to find something to distract her when she heard a very loud noise from the floor underneath. 

It was the fifth floor. Nacht's room. She realized as she heard even more bangs and the sound was similar to furniture falling to the ground. Her red eyes started wandering in the room, unsure of what was happening she found herself tapping her foot impatiently on the floor before she grabbed the closest weapon like object, a lamp from her nightstand and rushed outside, heading to Nacht's room. 

She hurried down the wooden stairs, her feet light, thanking the fact that she decided to wear pants and she ran in the corridor, heading towards the wide open door that seemed to be Nacht's room. As she entered the room, holding the lamp firmly in her grasp she realized that there was no one here. The place though was completely trashed. The bed was broken and the tea table was thrown at the other side of the room together with the remains of the chairs. Papers everywhere and books destroyed. 

While observing the place Alice realized that the window right in front of her was broken. Shattered, with glass everywhere. She approached it and noticed that there were bloodstains everywhere in that area, red dots covering the remaining of glass on the frame and she impatiently looked outside, hoping that there would be a clue. 

Her jaw dropped as she saw Nacht on the ground, his body not moving, blood gathering everywhere around him. Her eyes shot open and she let out a loud scream calling out his name in despair. Was he dead? There was so much blood! A voice screamed in her head and she turned around, deciding to call for someone, anyone so they could save him. 

Alice's loud screams though, the frantic and messy beating of her heart and the ringing between her ears caused by the shock covered the sound of footsteps. She hadn't taken notice of the dark dressed figure that was approaching her and only when she spun her body, ready to run away to ask for someone she faced him, when he was standing too close, when there was no way for her to escape now. 

His palm was enormous as it spread in front of her face, covering his masked face. He pushed her, her breath stopping as she felt the window frame on her back as she suddenly was falling into the void. She extended her arm, hoping to find something, anything to hold on to as she began getting closer to the ground but obviously there was nothing, just air and the clear blue sky right in front of her. 

The man kept observing from Nacht's room before she watched him turn into smoke and disappear. She gasped unable to think of anything as fear took over her entire body, her existence. She closed her eyes trying to swallow the lump on her throat. 

Was she going to die like this? Such a non-climatic death. 


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