Chapter 95

She felt her whole spine tremble and she coughed in need for air. The god was on top of her with his full weight landing on her body. She let go of his neck trying to find a way to escape but the god now that was released pinned her to the floor, her hands restrained while he sat on top of her. He grinned. 

"Don't even try. You want to be with him so bad? I know what you did Nychta. You pulled his soul out to save him. I had a magic mark on him. I will always know where he is, I will always find him, I will always kill him again and again, even when he is human he will never get to rest. I will send him to other worlds, I torture him and make sure he lives in doom." 

"Solaris! You piece of shit. Why!" she cried, her tears spreading on her face.