Chapter 132

"We don't have time to change our plan Damian" she said "I'm sorry. Tell me what you want me to do." Damian scoffed. Placed his back on the humid wall and kept silent. His proposal had been rejected already so he decided not to speak anymore, Alice would not listen to him after all. The same way as back at the village, stubborn. 

"Alright, now I want you to touch the wall with your palm. Create a powerful vibration that will shutter it and with your other hand stop their movement. Telepathy. Gently place the ruins down without making any noise." He explained and Alice nodded. Her light went out for a while as she touched the cold wall. She closed her eyes and focused. Making sure that she did exactly what David told her. Nothing happened. No matter how much magic she used the wall wouldn't budge. Alice lit the light again and looked at the people around her.

"It's not working." She said and David frowned.