Chapter 134

He knew that to some extent Julius was right, deep inside her she was aware that she had been at fault too but she couldn't allow herself to feel guilty. Nacht had caused her misfortune again and again, keeping her in an endless hell. She had paid enough for being inconsiderate. She didn't have to keep feeling like that. It was Nacht's time to pay, no matter what he had to. 

"Nacht killed my soulmate. He took everything for me an not only once, he did it again and again and again. I relived his death thousands of times. I can't let go of this chance. No matter what. You can help me if you want. He is a criminal Julius. You already know that. He is partly at fault for Meracia going insane isn't he?" Alice asked him and for the first time Julius showed some kind of emotion. He took a few steps back. His body at the verge of an opened window. 

"Who told you that?" He asked.