I've been inside the apartment for the next days. Though sometimes I will be out because I keep on hearing things from the other unit. I want to file a complaint but that's just so embarrassing. I prepared myself for college and painted many canvas while I'm resting. I've been doing great so far although I missed my parents. But I refuse to call them, I might come back to them.
I went outside to get some fresh air and sun. Three days left until college will finally open. And I have three days left to roam around the town, to familiarise the place and find a relaxing spot. I was walking along the lake as the sun was about to set. It colored the sky orange that reflected in the lake. It's a wonderful view, sunset will always be my favourite and my healing. I sat down at the grass and throwed stones. It's a quiet place even though there are so many people here. I bet they're also here to relax and heal themselves.
Life's been tough, I know. Everyone experience hardships in life. But just like the sun, it will set and another day will come. The sun will rise and brings you hope everytime you wake up and fight for the day. Life is just like that. You never know what happens tomorrow so wake up everyday expecting nothing. But always be ecstatic.
I stayed for another hour until the sun finally hid and the dark skies finally came. When I finally felt my stomach grumbling, I stood up and went to my car. I left the place with a smile and went back to the apartment. It's been oddly quiet when I arrived. I haven't heard any of them. That's a good thing, I can sleep in peace.
I went to the kitchen and prepared my dinner. I have limited ingredients so I just made pasta. I also made a fresh orange juice. I started digging my dinner when I heard a loud bang from the other unit.
"Damn it! You screwed up! Again!" a voice of a guy shouted, angry. Why is the wall so thin I can clearly hear everything from that unit?
"Do your job or you'll pay for it. You already know the drill, Maximus," he added and a little bit calmer. This is the first time I heard his voice. He has a deep and rough voice. It fits to his image. Big and scary.
I didn't mind him and finished my business before taking a shower and prepared to sleep. I guess I will be able to sleep properly tonight, they're quiet.
The next day was great. It's just the same day as yesterday but I feel more excited as college is right around the corner. I can't wait much longer. I prepared my painting materials and went out. I want to pain right now and keep myself busy. I drove out and went to the lake and set up my canvas. It's a great day today, the sun is up, shining and the people's smiles brightens the day.
I started my canvas peacefully. There are some people who passed by me watched me work but it's alright. It's showcasing my talent. I looked at the view when a man sitting at the grass while smoking caught my attention. He's wearing a black t-shirt paired with a black pants and a worn-out black converse shoes. He's just sitting down while looking at the lake. He seems so peaceful. Unlike the guy that I always see half naked along the lobby of the 6th floor.
I smiled a bit when I saw him. It was the first time I saw him wearing a decent clothing. He's all black but it fits to his image. He has piercings on both of his ears. Jet-black hair and a piercing gaze. I remember his gaze that sent shivers down to my spine.
I ignored his presence and continued painting. This has been my comfort zone ever since and now I'm going in college, I get to learn more about it.
"Maddie?" asked by a guy behind me. I looked back and smiled when I saw Neo. He's also very casual today.
"Hi, what are you doing here?" I greeted him.
"I was just walking around," he answered and looked at my canvas. "Wow, that's so beautiful. You sure are talented," he praised and sat at the grass.
"Nah. I'm just practicing, preparing for class," I answered him and continued. He didn't answer and just sat there while looking at me paint.
"Can you tell me about Washington?" I asked him when we are filled with deafening silence. He sighed and told me about Washington. The best places to go to, to relax and where to party. He also told me about a frat house.
"You see, Washington is fun," he said and looked at the sky. I finished my canvas and showed it to him.
"Wow. You're now ready to be the 'Greatest Painter of the Year'," he said and gestured his hands as if picturing the award to add to the dramatic effect.
"I think it's going to rain. I have to pack," I said and started packing. He helped me with my tools and brought it to my car. I bid him goodbye and went back. I looked at the spot where the guy was sitting earlier but he's not there anymore.
I went back to my apartment and parked. I brought the canvas with me upstairs. Maybe I'll just have to go down for my tools. I can't afford to let this piece be ruined. I've spent hours for this. After I placed it nicely, I went out and pressed the elevator and waited for it to open.
I was so shocked to when the elevator door opened. The wall has blood stains and a man is curled up at the floor full of blood.
"OH MY GOD!" I said and immediately went to his side. He has wound everywhere and he has so much blood loss.
What do I do? It's obvious that he's hurting so much but I was just too scared to move. The elevator door will be closing. His eyes are shut and his breathings are heavy. He must be in so much pain, I don't know what to do.