He kept on dragging me out until we reached the back side of the frat house. No one is here and the music is not that loud anymore. I can feel and hear my heart beating fast.
Until he stopped walking and immediately held both my shoulders and let me faced him in full force I winced in pain.
"Are you okay?" he asked while he's breathing heavily I can see his chests were dramatically moving up and down.
I blinked and said, "No. Yes. I'm fine!"
He heaved a sigh of relief and let go of my shoulders. He checked my wrists and my arms. I am baffled with his worried expression. I was just looking at him while he's checking me. "That's good," he uttered.
"You. There's blood in your knuckles," I told him. He looked at his knuckles and grinned. That was the first time I saw him grin. Even grinning made him more handsome.
"That felt nice," he said.
"Are you sure you're okay?" I asked him. I was worried and thankful at the same time. I was literally scared back there and if he didn't showed up, I would have been so done.
We just fell silent. He sat down at the bench and stared at the stars then closed his eyes. It's the first time I saw him like this. He seems at peace. At peace that you would thought that behind this calm aura of him right now, he's not battling a strong storm.
I found a water faucet and thought of getting water to clean his wound. I got a dipper of water and went back to him. I quietly sat down and held his hand. He quite flinched at my gesture but I just ignored it. All I think right now is cleaning his wounds by way of thanking and repaying his kindness to me.
"Thank you," I said to break the silence while I'm cleaning his wound. I felt him moved and adjusted his seat.
"It's nothing. I saw you struggled over there, and you're my neighbour so I think I have a little obligation of saving you," he replied.
Ouch. Neighbour. I stared at him.
"And you saved me when I was in the brink of dying," he added. I smiled when I remembered how I called him Mister Pornstar and how I stitched his wound that night.
"Are you okay now? I mean, the one that I stitched the last time?"
"Yeah. Though I almost died because of infection, I'm fine now," he said and laughed at me.
"Hey! That's because I have no knowledge and experience about it!" I defended while he just laughed.
"Okay, Blue Eyes," he said and laughed again. He's laughing. He's charming and he's even more handsome when he laughs. My heart throbbed when I heard him laugh, it's like a music to my ear I can't seem to get over it.
He made me feel weird and different these past few days. I was crying because of him. My heart ached because of him. I was definitely flustered. And now, I saw him laugh, it made also made me happy.
He stopped and get the dipper from my hand and he threw it at the back. I went back to his seat and stared again at the stars. I also unknowingly stared at the beautiful stars. I always admired the sunset but I never knew that darkness and stars combined can be this beautiful. It's mesmerising.
"I've always wanted to become a lawyer. But I can't pursue it. Someone and something is blocking me to achieve it," he said out of the blue. I remember, I asked him a question if he want to become a lawyer when I saw him reading a law book at the bookstore.
"Why do you want to pursue it and what's blocking you? I mean, you're a CEO, you're rich. You basically can get whatever you want," I told him. He looked at me with amusement.
"How did you know I'm a CEO?"
"My friend told me, she's a fan of yours really. I mean, at first you really does not look like a CEO but when I knew about it, I think you really look like one," I said and he smiled. I heaved a sigh of relief when I didn't asked me further questions about it.
"No. I can't get whatever I want. I can't even have my own freedom," he said and looked down. The ambiance seems to be suddenly awkward and down. I didn't knew that he has this side of him. He looked carefree but deep inside of him, if you only look closer and know him better, he also has a battle to fight for.
"But sometimes, having no freedom is already a freedom," he looked at me confusingly and I stared back at him. I smiled and looked at the stars.
"You asks for freedom but what if the freedom that you thought will make you happy doesn't make you happy? I mean, you can still do anything but is it what you really want?" I said and there was a long pause and we are enveloped with silence.
No one dared to talk. We are covered in deep silence, not an empty silence nor an awkward silence. Maybe, we are just both contemplating and asking ourselves what we really want. I love to paint, but is it really what I want to do in the future? That question still lingers in my mind everytime but I can't seem to find the right answer for it.
He finally stood up and stretched his arms. He then placed his hands in his pockets.
"Let's go home. Its getting late and you definitely won't go back in there," he said and left me. Now he's being his usual self. Cold.
He's not going back for the party?
I sighed and followed him from behind. I just sent a text to Adora telling her that I'm going home. She asked me if I'm okay, and I told her I'm fine. Maybe she heard about the commotion earlier. I saw Travis entering his car and I followed. He drove off first while I was just reviving my car engine.
We entered the elevator together when we arrived. Yet again, no one talked and no one even initiated to talk. We just stared at the ceiling or at the buttons while we are going up. When we finally arrived to our floor, I immediately went out and headed straight to my unit.
But before I could even open the door, he stood beside me.
"Thanks for tonight, Blue Eyes. Good night," he said and entered his unit. This felt like a deja vu and again, I was flustered.
He's really weird and I can't read him. And my mind's going crazy over this kind of gesture from him. I just silently prayed when I entered my room that I can have a good sleep.