05| Throwing Fists

A/N: Ok so I decided to do Tyler's POV for this chapter. Enjoy!

Tyler's POV:

"Bro, you gonna throw a party today?" James asked me. We were playing Fortnite at my place. Today was the first day of damn school. It was same old same old other than the fact that I spotted some new smokin hot girls.

"Why the hell not?" I say. Me and the boys are all up for partying and drinking our asses off. Besides, the new hot girls might come... I drifted off daydreaming until-

"BAM! BEAT YOU AGAIN!" James hollered and did his victory dance.

"No fair dude, I was thinking of something." I said.He just laughed in my damn face. That idiot.

"Aw man boo hoo too bad." He mockingly cooed. I roll my eyes.

"Man, c'mon get the word out for the damn party." I say before getting things for the perfect blast.

*Hours later- When Addison and her friends arrive*

I walked downstairs to fetch more drinks for the people upstairs just as I saw three familiar looking girls from school that looked hot walk in. I put down the drinks and sent a message to James to get the drinks. I take my chance and walk over to them. As I did, I spotted one of my bros playing tongue tennis with girls. Man, he probably already drunk as heck. I make my way over to the girls. I look closer and see one of the girls is Ashton's baby sis. Oh man.

"Hey beautifuls. My name is Tyler if you didn't already know. Come on upstairs, we're playing truth or dare or drink." I greeted them focusing my eyes on Ashton's little sister who was called Addison. I couldn't stop my eyes from wandering. Darn it! Why can't she not be related to the damn Ashton friend of mine?!

The girls all turn to the staircase and I took my chance to be a gentlemen. Well, my eyes are on Addison so, no fu**ers, not to all 3 of them. I hold onto her wrist. Darn, I know what y'all thinking, Tyler your gonna scare her, Tyler you might bruise her, Tyler yada yada yada... She turned around telling me that she had to go up with them but I stood my ground and told her to follow me. I took her to the elevator which I only let few use. I told her that she is bright and she might bump into drunk ass people since there were many. She looked shook and didn't object coming with me. I let go of her as we went into the elevator up to the second floor. She speed walked to her friends and I kept a safe distance from her in case she didn't want them thinking anything.

We played a few rounds of Truth or Dare or Drink and I truly enjoyed what Addison dare Andrea to let her do. Time flew by. I was drunk talking to my boys.

"Dude, you ain't gonna get to her. Those two won't let you." My not-so drunk man Andrew told me. The others slowly nodded.

"Man! He's whipped and he's probably gonna get out of this in a couple of days." Kyle said. We laugh. Suddenly when we were still laughing about me liking Addison, Ashton and Ryder appear. Shit.

"What did you just say?!" Ashton asked me. Well, they were real pissed. I'm guessing they heard the convo. Just a few seconds later, right before my eyes, we got into a whole damn fight. You heard me, a fight. People approached us trying to break us apart and crowded around. I uppercut Ryder as Ashton hooked me. (A/N: They're basically fighting I'm not good at describing but I'll try.) Madeline and Sabrina came over to stop this before Addison found out, but it was no use. The three of us were fuming with anger. They bruised and we kept shouting profanities at each other while fighting. Seconds later, the fight turned on me, I was under the two and I was punching them, but they got advantages and beat me up worse. I spot Addison coming over with worried James. Crap! She shouts something at us, but I don't hear it exactly. She walks between the three of us (A/N: Ashton and Ryder on one side and Tyler on the other.) just as all of us striked. Ashton and Ryder's strike was meant for me not Addison and mine was meant for them. Shit.

"HOLY CRAP!" Sabrina shouts. She pushes us aside and goes and checks Addison. "No broken bones most likely bruises." I heard her mutter under her breath. James had a talk with me and the two girls scolded me. They treated my wounds and injuries before doing the same to the other two. We carried Addison upstairs to a guest room after we got bandaged. I stood by the doorway full of regret and shame. The others sat in the room.


Hey guys! This is it for Tyler's POV. I know it wasn't much and sorry for that. Also, I'm not good at getting into a boys POV so plz don't throw any hate.

Make sure to VOTE and comment!

~Queenie Cao