Chapter 18

When the car stopped, Hoseok got out and slammed the door. He opened the door, on the couch sat V, Suga, Jk, Jin and Jimin.

Namjoon was behind him, all eyes were on them now. Hoseok looked them all in the eye, he stopped last on Jimin, he saw the remorse in his eyes.

He bowed. "I am sorry, for worrying you all."

"It is fine, Hobi." They all muttered. Hoseok bowed his head lower. "Thank you."

Jimin was on his feet. "Hobi?"

Hoseok came upright, he motioned with his eyes to their room. "I have nothing further to say."

Namjoon made a grab for his arm, but Hoseok dodged. "I'll be in my room."

He pushed open the door, as it was closing Jimin appeared. Hoseok threw his bag on the floor.

Jimin closed the door. "I am so sorry, Hobi."

"Jimin I... I do not blame you. Out of everything I blame myself. You only wanted to help."

He flopped on his bed. "Namjoon is being unreasonable, I am being confined to the dorm."

Jimin sat next to him. "That is so unfair, but enough of the sad. Tell me about your date."

A smile tugged on Hoseok's face. He told Jimin everything that happened except for what truly happened to Aya, that is her story and not his to tell. He suddenly remembered there was a photographer.



"How did Namjoon find out we were faking it?"

Jimin scratched his head, biting his lip. "He came out of the practice room and asked me where you are. I said you were still in the bathroom throwing up."

Hoseok was hanging on every word coming out of Jimin's mouth.

"His face got very angry, he whipped out his phone and showed me a picture of you and Aya drinking milkshake."

"Where did he get the picture?"

"Apparently he is friends with the owner, so after he showed me that I..."

Hoseok put his hand on his shoulder. "Jimin I do not blame you, I was the one that was careless."

"So what about your girl? Does she know?"

Hoseok shook his head. "No, I didn't tell her."

"Hobi you are playing a dangerous game, here."

Hoseok let out a sigh. "I know... You have no idea how I am struggling with this. I want to keep her safe from this life."

"Hobi, what I have heard of her from you, she would accept it."

Hoseok was staring at Jimin. "When have you become so wise?"

Jimin chuckled. "It is my secret."

Hoseok laughed while ruffling Jimin's hair. "Well, I have to text her to let her know I won't be here for a month."

Jimin stood up. "I'll leave you to it."

Hoseok took out his phone, Jimin left their room.

"Hi, Aya. I am so sorry to have cut our date so short. I had a work emergency that needed my attention. I won't be able to see you for a month, I am leaving on a business trip. I will text you every day, I promise."

Hoseok placed his phone on the stand. He fell back against the pillows. This was going to be one long month. He closed his eyes.

His bedroom door opened quietly, Namjoon entered going for Hobi's phone, he unlocked it.