Chapter 23: Betrayal

"Beware the friends you think you know...for when the demon creeps to make his mark; then all hope shall be lost."

~Tasmiya Shaik.



Eastern Wall of Durenhal port

376 AGR (After Gaia's Reign)

7300 years ago

The Asharren commander stood firmly atop the port's eastern wall and observed the chaos of berserkers and warriors unravel in the highlands below. With every breath drawn, cannon fire from the wall artillery stations plagued the stillness of the night and reined fire on Lorienel in the distance. The night sky a masterpiece artwork that displayed several dimensional gates in swirling motions of red and violet through which the fired cannonballs travelled and descended explosively on Lorienel. The night was indeed a canvas for a splash of death and ruin. Unfathomable destruction that would result in many lives lost, and he deemed himself accountable for every second of it.