Chapter 38: The Vassal meeting

"He who shows promise is the most revered of them all."

~Tasmiya Shaik

"Lord Maleck Ivarois Sinclaire and Lord Erazeal Durandal Sinclaire," Announced the esquire Asharren in order as the Vassals respectively claimed their positions. He was positioned to the left of Sebastian with an open scroll in his possession. "Lord Andreas' Duranté Rossi and Lady Alikaia Rossi, Lord Elucian Quirinus Mckain and Lord Ferlezarus Vízger Mckain, Lady Ophelia Darleis Cavendish and Lord Isarcrius Conrad Cavendish. Lord Ravelier Elisdair Sotiris and Lady Renélia Sotiris. Lord Arslan Jilaan Irashduir and Lord Farzin Irashduir. The Chevalier clan sends their regards and expresses their humblest apologies for their unexpected absence."

Sebastian regarded the Arabian vassal fondly and lowered his head in respect to the older Asharren warrior.

"Laqad 'asbahat maharbana jydan," Arslan said in Arabic with a proud smile.