Chapter 53: A new addition

"Beware the deceptive Barahime, they are most lethal."

~Tasmiya Shaik


City centre

7:32 a.m

Eizgár that lambent morning was aberrantly quietened. The city folk were confined within their abodes, drunkards wasting away in the alleys, and dwelling on memories of a past filled with pride and happiness. The usual carts stocked with trade goods were emptied since many days ago to be laid barren on the sides of the streets. The only audible sounds were the whispers of the spring breeze, a few wandering folk, and the flow of water from the fountain. The bustling boutiques and shops were marked closed for business. Their keepers observed slyly from within. Exuberant street vendors were scarce, no shouting promotes of their wares today.