Chapter 57: A dreadful decision

"After all, aren't we all just forms of the lesser evil fighting for the greater good of others and ourselves?"

~Renélia Sotiris (The Healer)




8:58 a.m

Sebastian extracted his sword from the bandit's gut, and kneeled to wipe off the blood from the blade on the forest floor. He sheathed the weapon as he rose to confront the other warriors. Another life taken. Unneeded bloodshed, and yet another sin to repent for. There was no forgiveness, nor pardon from heaven for the Lord who walked with darkness in his heart, and the deaths of hundreds on his shoulders. For how much longer would such peril, and chaos devastate the lands? For how much longer would he be forced to end the lives of those who threatened him under the command of evil?

"That was the last of the bastards," Zelaphiel informed, and booted the writhing body of a bandit that clutched onto his leg.