Chapter 60: Village of Erevor

"We know not our capabilities, and worth until we define it ourselves, and nor do we understand what it is that gives us such drive to persevere."

~Tasmiya Shaik


Yirkshir valley



"Are you certain this is the way, Ravelier?" Andreas shouted over the harsh howling of the gelid winter winds.

The arrival of night cast its black shadows over the snow-covered valley, signifying a balance of light, and darkness that existed within the roots of all creation. Perhaps not all beings. For there were those who were obstinately determined to cultivate their demons rather than carve a path for their darkness, and light to follow on a mutual basis.

"I have brought my sister here many times before, I have not forgotten the way," Ravelier guided his durein beast with one hand on the reins, and the other he lifted above his head to prevent the snow flakes from obscuring his vision.