Chapter 108: Another Narrak awakens

"The enemy may be defeated by the hundreds, if not thousands, yet the awakening of one more is enough to spark destruction."

~Tasmiya Shaik


Engmaar Ruins

"You have done well, Narkiá," The Narrak general complimented the female subordinate who kneeled before him.

Her hume acquired flesh was embedded with rounded, reptilian scales that was a dark metallic blue which appealed with a smooth shine when light had been cast over it. A mix of yellow-orange orbs were long-slit, and regarded the higher class Narrak with respect. Her sleek form was clad in no more than layers of bandages that were wrapped around her prominent breasts, while a mid-thigh length piece of white cloth was draped around her waist, and knotted to the left side. Two twisted horns protruded from the side of her head. Her smile was as wicked as the ill intent her heart possessed.