Chapter 133

"When all hope is lost, we wish for nothing more than for salvation to embrace us in our final hours of sorrow."

~Tasmiya Shaik



Reinhardt Estate

7243 AGR (After Gaia's Reign)

It was a sorrowful departing to observe as heaven's sunset faded from his grasp, so close, yet so far. He outstretched his hand over the balcony's banister, and what seemed like her caramel sunset hair was within is hands, was but wishful thinking. How easily she had arrived with her radiance to brighten his evening, but so soon she had departed. Why did she not stay a little while longer? Perhaps the fates were toying with him. It mattered not. His heart was bound, and promised to another.

"Are you sad to see her go?" The Cavendish advisory rested his arms on the balcony's banister. "I might be able to postpone their departure if you like."