Chapter 136

"Let not the monsters of the depths claim your right to tread the waters of the seven seas."

~Tasmiya Shaik


700 Miles North Of Durenhal


"I must admit that you are quite reliable, and formidable when it involves a battle of some sort." The Arabian vassal observed the Royal navy ship that crumbled into the sea's depths. Like battered old iron that was dented, and rusted, the magnificently designed war vessel had been crushed by the sheer might of a single warrior.

Engulfed whole in crimson fire, the flames wavered in the reflection of the Arabian vassal's reddish eyes. The commander of the ship who stood beside him appeared rather tense compared to his usual apathetic demeanor, and composed discipline. The commander's ear twitched as it hearkened to the screams of pleas, and mercy that resonated from the last of the Elf navy soldiers who clawed their way across the unruly waters of the sea.