First Day

Taehee's Pov

"Noona wake up"

"hyunie let noona sleep more please" I looked at him with my slightly open eyes

"But noona se---"


"ok" he agreed I just smiled a little as I was to drift back to my sleep when I feel my bed is shaking is there an earthquake? But why someone is giggling? I opened my eyes and there I saw my baby brother jumping up and down on my bed with his silly face


"Get up noonaaa!" he shouted while giving me his boxy cheeky smile

"No" I stubbornly said, I just slept almost 2 hours I still need more sleep.

"But noona you have your classes in a few hours" my eyes went wide after hearing what my brother said

"Shoot today is my first day, why did I forget about it. I fuckin hate life now"

"Ms. Kim Taehee watch your mouth" he slapped my hands

"Hey, Mister have you forgotten that I'm ten years older than you?" I glared at him but then he gave me his puppy eyes

"Noona I'm just joking." He runs towards the door, but before he could go out he shouted "ILOVEYOUNOONA" I just laughed at how cute he is.

I lazily got up from my bed and went straight to the bathroom to do my business.

after finishing my routines I went downstairs just to see my little brother watching cartoons together with Serri

"Yah Kim Taehee you better eat now or we will be late" Serri warned me

"Yeah, Yeah I know," I said while heading to the kitchen

"Good Morning Taehee" Aunt Ji eun greeted

"Morning" I greeted back as I take a seat beside her 

As we were both eating Aunt Ji eun constantly looking at me 

"Aunt Ji eun stop that"

"What?" she asked playfully

"You keep on looking at me"

"I'm just happy that after 2 years of being homeschooled finally, you're going to a real school now" after hearing those I could feel my stomach turned upside down, not wasting any time, I immediately stand up from my chair and run towards the kitchen sink, with that I started vomiting. Aunt Ji eun followed behind and began to stroke my back

"are you alright?" she asked worriedly I nodded 

"What happened?" I heard Serri asked 

"she started to vomit after hearing that word again" aunt Ji eun explained "Serri could you please get a towel for her" 

 I hate the fact that I would feel nausea that will end into vomiting every time I hear the word, school.

"here" I grab the towel that Serri gave me and wipe it on my face.



"Are you sure you will attend the class today?" I nodded this is the fifth time she asked me if I was sure

"But tae---"

"Serri I will be fine I promise," I said As we get out from the car she just shrugged her shoulders 

"Bye kids have fun" aunt Ji eun bid her goodbye to us

"Bye Noona's" Taehyun waved 

"Bye" we waved as the car starts to move

"Let's go?" Serri asked and offered her hand to me, I nodded and grabbed her hand.

We entered the university hand in hand, I looked around just to realize that this 

school is bigger than I thought, I stopped from our tracks when I hear screams from girls

"What is happening?" I asked

"I think its the Bangtan"

"What? Bangtan? is that an Idol?"

"No, Bangtan is a group name Taehee, they consist of 7 members, they are the so-called Kings here and take note they are fucking rich"

"Oh just another groups of idiotic people maybe," I said she nudged me 

"Hey, stop that. I don't want you to get involved with anyone of them. You don't know what are they capable of doing something against you" she said I looked at her as I feel something bad on my stomach again

"is there a problem?" She asked 

"Nausea" after hearing those word she dragged me to the nearest restroom when we got there I immediately went inside a cubicle, I vomit again and again until I finished

"Are you really sure that you can go to your class?" she smirked at me 

"Of course I can," I smiled at her 

"Ok, If something up just call me ok?"

"Yeah sure" I agreed 

"Let's go?" she asked I nodded

"Bye" she waved at me

"Bye see you later alligator" I joked which I earned a glare from her I looked at her as she vanished from my sight, I feel sad because we have a different schedule but somehow feel excited to meet new people. 

I exhaled deeper than an ocean before entering the room
