
Taehee's Pov


I looked at them who is walking ahead of me

"how can taehee walk fast if she has short limbs" hoseok teased

"Oh right, little taehee you want me to carry you?" Jungkook gave me his annoying look

"Fuck you" I uttered

"Oh How I want you to fuck me baby girl" he bit his lip and wink eww

"Jeon Jungkook you horny asshole" I retorted which they all laugh

It's been a month, we all get along together. Most of the time I spend my weekends in their house and most of them being in our house. Sometimes they annoy me a little too much that makes me think on how to strangle them one by one well, except for Jin oppa who always on my side. And for Jimin, he's good whenever we are all alone but when the others are with us, he joins with their teasing, of course, it's about how small is my height. Jungkook still the same, A fuckin horny jerk, sometimes he is good to me but most of the time he annoys me and worse, he would come to me and whisper how I'm fucking Hot horny right? And about taehyung, I will finally see him in 2 weeks. Right now we are on our way at the uni. walking, Yes, we're walking. The uni is not that far from our houses.

"Hey kook and taehee we have a new student in our class" Yoonji went to my side and take a hold of my hand

"What class?" I asked

"Most all of our class, They said she's a girl"

"I'm getting excited to meet her, I hope she looks hotter than this shortie" his gaze went on me

"Hotter my ass" I rolled my eyes

"Oh I bet someone will get jealous over the transferee" Jimin nudged me as he wiggled his brows

"Oh will my baby girl get jealous?" he pokes my cheeks

"Jealous your face" I rolled my eyes again

"It's your 756 eye rolls since we met" Yes he counts my eye rolls, so annoying "Don't get jealous you'll always be my baby girl" he winks at me



"Good Morning Class, today we will have a transferee and I hope you'll be good to her and help her adjust in our lesson, come in" He signaled the transferee to come in. I started to draw not wanting to look at the person in front, I could hear murmurs spreading around

"Fuck she looks good"

"She's pretty bet Jungkook will fall for her this instance"

"Oh how cute, I hope they end up together than that taehee the slut" why can't they look at the mirror for them to see who's the real slut. They've been calling me names since the time I get close with bangtan but I don't give a damn thing.

"He's fallen already look at him, drooling for her. she's better than taehee" I looked at him, and it is true, he just told me earlier not to be jealous but here he is drooling over the new student. Don't get me wrong guys, I'm not jealous at all, It's just he should keep his promise you know. I turned my head facing in front for me to see that girl who he drools off. My eyes widened upon seeing the transferee. Am I seeing things?

"Hi guys, I'm Choi Eunjung" Am I hearing things? "Hope we'll be good friends" I looked back at my teacher who's talking but I can't hear anything It seems my world stop

Third person's Pov

Yoonji notices the sudden change of taehee's face, she seems terrified.

"Hey, Taehee are you alright?" Taehee just looked at her

taehee's vision is swirling around and becoming blurry. She raises her hands as she stood

"Yes, Ms. Kim?" their professor ask

"May I go out Mr. Lee?" she managed to ask

"Yes you can but are you all right? it seems you're not feeling well" their professor worriedly asks. She nodded as if she understands, beads of sweats were now visible on her face. As she takes a step, she trips over and completely lost her balance then everything went black. everyone gasps with the scene happened, Yoonji got up from her seat crying for help as she lay her friend's head on her lap. On the other hand, Jungkook just stared at them not knowing what to do for his friend,

"JEON JUNGKOOK GO HELP HER" their professor shouted and that's when Jungkook came back into his senses and rush over taehee's senseless body.

A smirk is visible in the transferee's lips as she notices the familiar face of the unconscious girl.


"No, please no" Jimin looked over her worriedly

"Taehee wake up" trying to wake her up from the bad dream

"Stop please" she pleaded as her tears keep on streaming down her cheeks


"STOP" she bolt up from the bed, she let's out a sob upon remembering her dream, about her past that she wanted to forget

"Shush, I'm here Taehee, I'll protect you We'll protect you" He hugs her as he comforts her, he feels bad upon seeing his friend like this

15 minutes had passed, Taehee had already calmed down which is good.

"Where am I?" her voice cracks due to her crying

"Here drink this water" he hand over the water bottle" You're in the infirmary" he answered while he rubs her hands gently

"How long I was here? and don't you have class?" She asked before drinking the water

"An hour I think, No one is available to look out for you, all of them have classes except for me, I have no classes already"

"Ohh, Do I need to go back to class?"

"No, Mr. Lee informed already all your professors for today that you're not feeling well" they were startled, when they hear a growling sound "Was that you?"

"Nope" she shook her head denying the fact her stomach just growled

"I know that was you"

"Ugh that was embarrassing," she said out of frustration, he ruffles her and chuckled

"It's alright, wait for me here, I'll go buy you some foods to eat." he got up and went outside. she heaves a deep sigh, remembering what happened earlier. She's flooded with a lot of question, she was then cut off on her thoughts when the door open

"You came ba--" no more words could be heard from her as she looks to the person who entered

"We meet again" Eunjung smiled "I never thought we'll meet again," she said while taking a step closer to her

"Don't come near me" Taehee blurted out

"Still the scaredy-cat that you used to be?" she grins seeing a trembling taehee

"No" Trying to stop the Eunjung on taking more steps closer

"Oh, I badly missed you Taehee, my puppet. After you left, the school was not fun anymore" she wiped her fake tears "Jung min misses you so bad, he misses to fuck the shit out of you" with her sentence Taehee began to throw the vase at her, she just grins widely seeing you going hysterical was fun for her. Taehee plunge over her slapping her nonstop

"WHAT'S HAPPENING HERE?" jimin came in running towards them with jungkook, Jin, and yoonji following behind. The three boys did their best to separate the two, After breaking them apart, Eunjung started crying, Fake crying upon holding into Jungkook for support, scratches would be seen on her face which was from Taehee.

On the other side, Jimin is trying to calm Taehee as he takes a hold on her along with Jin and yoonji.

"What the hell happened?" finally one of the four ask

"I don't know, I just visited her here because we were classmates back in High school we were best friends but after seeing me she began to be hysterical and she jumps over me and slaps me," she said as she cries her eyes out

"DON'T COME NEAR ME" taehee shouted non stop. Yoonji doesn't believe what eunjung said neither jin and Jimin, they believe that something is not right and Taehee would never hurt anyone without a reason

"NO" taehee shouted as she tries to get away from jimin's grip. "STOP PLEASE" she repeated those words as she was starting to hallucinate

"TAEHEE" serri cry out as she fish out the medicine inside her bag.

"Hold her" Serri demanded, which the three obeyed, She began to Inject the medicine she had to taehee as Taehee began to calm down

"What was that?" Jimin asked

"For her to calm down" she looked on jungkook's way as she glared into the girl clinging on Jungkook "WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO?" she yelled out of anger