Chapter 9

[ Congratulations! You have unlocked a new costume! ]

[ You have obtained 'Bunny Butler Costume Set ( Orange )' ]

[ You have obtained 'Bunny Ears Headband' ]

[ You have obtained 'White Butler Long-sleeved Shirt and Black Waistcoat' ]

[ You have obtained 'WhiteButler Gloves' ]

[ You have obtained 'Black Butler Trousers' ]

[ You have obtained 'Black Leather Shoes' ]

Despite the overwhelming brightness in front of him, Jaycee was completely unfazed by it. After the box opened and the overdramatic animation ended, Jaycee boringly uttered, "Ooh~ I got an orange quality butler costume."

Denver on the other side was left petrified as he froze in his standing. Right after he looked back, with mix feeling of surprise and amazement, his jaw lowered the entire time. It was quite wide enough for a bug monster to fit inside his mouth.

'What's this? Where is all his luck coming from?!'

Jaycee impassively equipped the costume and in a matter of seconds, after the flashing gold light disappeared, Jaycee's shabby starter outfit was replaced by the butler costume set.

[ You have equipped 2 Bunny Butler costume gear. All primary stats increased by 7%. ]

[ You have equipped 5 Bunny Butler costume gear. All primary stats increased by 10%. ]

He looked gorgeous and stunning in his new outfit. Along with his sensational look, Jaycee was dazzling in sparkles and as if; rose petals were veiling him behind a rosy background.

'Are the administrators playing games with me right now?'

Denver was blinded by his enhanced handsomeness.

'If I try standing next to him, I think I'll end up looking like an ugly baby squid.'

Jaycee was adjusting the sleeves of his newly attained costume to where he was comfortable with. He raised his sleeves slightly right below the elbow and insensitively asked, "How do I look?"

Denver felt multiple invisible silent stabs in the chest.

'This ignorant bastard!'

"Yeah, you look good. Wow, a handsome guy ..." The tone of his voice sounded like an automatic response bot; dull and fake.

Denver took a glance at him once more and no matter how many times he blinked his eyes, reality stabbed him in a very exasperating way.

'Damn, I admit. He is too damn handsome. If I was born a woman, there will be no doubt that I'll jump into his arms with my whole body. I think I'll even threaten him to marry me.'

Denver heavily sighed out of nowhere.

'Fuck. What's with this gay shit am I thinking? Get a hold of yourself, Denver!'

Denver just accepted the harsh treatment of the world and snapped out as he asked, "It's an orange quality right? How much CP does it gives?"

Jaycee was finally done with the adjusting. After hearing his monkey friend's sudden question, he nonchalantly answered, "Ten thousand."

Denver pondered and, "If the orange quality gives ten thousand while the purple quality gives five thousand, then the highest tier, red gives twenty thousand?!" he yelled in surprise.

Jaycee clapped again like a circus seal. "Ooh~" He was strangely amazed with a reason only him knows.

Caught taken aback, Denver asked, "Why are you clapping? Is there something to be amazed of?"

Jaycee nonchalantly nodded and said, "To think this game can also improve someone's mental arithmetic deduction. You should try playing this game more often. It'll be good for you."

What Jaycee said somehow spoiled Denver's current mood. He was kind of irated however; he cannot openly express them even if he wanted to, as he already realized the grave danger of exploding in front of an insensible guy. It was not just an ordinary guy, but a handsome guy with a devil incarnation deep within. The only thing he can do was ignore those words against his will, as by the end of the day, he also needed to survive in the real world.

He forced a smile though he was furiously grinding his teeth and said, "Of course, I'll definitely play this game more often."

'Even though I can't take revenge in the real world, in this world, I'll totally crush you and make you kneel in forgiveness in front of me!'

Unintentionally, he visualized what he wanted to happen. He was already screaming in celebration deep inside him as he pictured Jaycee kneeling and kissing his shoes as he asked for forgiveness. Lol, he looked totally satisfied with it.

'Just you wait!'

"But, isn't black the highest tier color?"

Denver snapped out.


Jaycee nodded and said. "Common is gray, uncommon is green, purple is rare, orange is epic, red is legendary then isn't black the color of a god tier?"

"God tier? There's something like that? I read the administrator's guides multiple times but there's not a single information pointing to god tier items?"

"Yea, they exists. According to Albus' Successor quest, the clear reward for the first trial was a god tier weapon and a servant."

Denver was even more confused after hearing what Jaycee had said. "Servant? What's that? It doesn't appear in the guides either."

They were engulfed by confusing silence.

Tired from all the thinking, Denver furiously messed his hair and said, "Whatever, tell me, what your current CP is."

"Well, adding the 10000 from the orange tier costume then 44000?"


Denver flinched in surprise.

"Then, what's your level now?!" he looked quite agitated.

"I'm level 2, lol." Jaycee innocently tittered.


Denver heavily sighed and whispered, "How in the world did you get such high CP?"

'Is he a P2W player? It's impossible though? There's no cash shop in this game. You can only buy items using in game currencies.'

( P2W means pay to win, in a sense that in order to 'win' a game, you need to pay for various advantages. )

Jaycee slightly heard what he whispered and replied, "I don't know. I merely created a character and battled slimes. It just happened like that."

'Stop saying as if you are just leisurely picking vegetables in a farm!'

Denver was totally wasted. He only hit scarecrows yet the shock of his monster friend's status totally drained most of his energy. He flopped onto the floor with his head drooped down. He intently watched his revenge dream slowly fading away from his grasp.

'Ah~ There goes my revenge. Goodbye. Thank you for letting me experience satisfaction and grandiose happiness even if it was only for a few minutes.'

In Jaycee's perspective, he looked like a handsome dressed monkey looking for a banana he accidently dropped in the greeny grassland. He was oddly crawling here and there as if he was looking for something.

'What the hell is he doing?'

Jaycee yelled, "Hey slave, are you okay? Did you lose something?"

Denver swiftly looked at him with an almost tearing look on his face and said, "It's because of you."

"Me?!" He slightly raised a tone.

Denver nodded. They stared at each for a couple of seconds however; Jaycee just furiously clicked his tongue, ignored him, turned around and left without care.

"You finally lost it," he coldly uttered.

"Hey, Jaycee! I'm sorry! Wait for me!"

In the game, the time flowed two times faster than the real world clock. In a sense, let's just say that there are 48 hours in a single day inside the game. After logging in at exactly 10 PM, and almost wasted one in game hour without doing anything, Denver and Jaycee partied together and grinded throughout the Sahara Plains for the last three in game hour before the domestic and global ranking was to be announced. Minutes before the first ranking announcement, the two was seen battling monsters somewhere in Sahara Plains.

Denver, holding sharp rapiers in both hands, dashed forward with a seemingly enjoying look on his face.

"Squeak! Squeak!"

They were battling four highland rats with levels ranging from six to nine. On the back assisting Denver without any hints of trouble, was Jaycee.

Two highland rats jumped in front of Denver. He easily evaded one of them just by ducking.


The other one was rooted before it could even jump. It was stuck in the ground and was struggling to free itself however, before the root disappeared,


Denver ensured its death by piercing his rapier directly in its head.

"Three more to go." Denver energetically shouted.

While Denver was busy dealing with the other two highland rats, the one that Denver easily dodged began targeting Jaycee.


Its eyes were menacing in red. It enraged as he tackled towards him however; Jaycee dodge the tackle by slightly moving sideways and grazed the rat's side by his staff.

[ You have dealt 32 damage to the target. ]

Before it landed on the ground, Jaycee casted a skill that lowered the rat's movement.


[ Highland rat's dodge rate has been lowered by 10% ]

[ Time Remaining: 10 seconds ]

[ Highland rat's movement speed has been lowered by 10% ]

[ Time Remaining: 10 seconds ]

The rat kept on tackling while on the other hand; Jaycee was also doing the same thing he just did. With the lowered movement speed, Jaycee easily dodge the tackles.

[ You have dealt 20 damage to the target. ]

[ You have dealt 34 damage to the target. ]

[ You have dealt 29 damage to the target. ]

[ You have dealt 37 damage to the target. ]

[ You have dealt 32 damage to the target. ]

[ You have dealt 36 damage to the target. ]

Thirty seconds passed by and Jaycee immediately casted a root skill. As he approached the rat, his eyes were speaking danger along with an odd smile on his face. The rooted rat can oddly smell its death and as it look at Jaycee, it was somehow begging for mercy. However,

"Squeeakk!!" The final scream of the rat was heard.

Jaycee vigorously bashed the rat's head with his staff.

[ You have landed a critical hit! ]

[ You have dealt 54 damage to the target. ]

[ You have defeated a highland rat! ]

[ You have gained 125 silver. ]

[ You have gained 1 rat's tail. ]

[ Your party gained 120 experience point. ]

[ Experience point have been equally distributed to party members. You have gained 60 experience point. ]

After Jaycee successfully killed his target, Denver also successfully finished killing his.

[ You have gained 46 silver. ]

[ You have gained 49 experience point. ]

[ You have gained 98 silver. ]

[ You have gained 1 rat's tail. ]

[ You have gained 52 experience point. ]

[ You have leveled up! ]

[ You have gained 5 stat point. ]

[ You have gained 5 skill point. ]