Physical Attack is the amount of regular ( non-critical ) damage that you may inflict while using a physical attack spell or normal attacks. This applies to classes that relies on normal hits and heavy physical spells like the warrior, archer, assassin and musketeer.
Magical Attack is the amount of regular ( non-critical ) damage that you may inflict using a magical attack spells. This applies to classes with pure offensive magical spells like sorcerer, and classes that relies on magical attack to boost their supporting and healing spells like the priest, spell caster and shaman.
Double Attack is when a spell's damage inflicted to the opponent twice.
Critical Damage is when a certain spell or normal attack inflicted 1.5x the base damage.
Critical Rate is the rate in which you may inflict a critical damage.
Hit Rate in which your attack will hit the target.
Dodge Rate is the rate in which the attacks missed to hit the player.
Heal Rate is the value increases in the amount of your healing skills. This only applies to healing classes like the priest and the paladin.
MP/HP Recovery is the amount of MP/HP the player recovers for a period of time. Commonly around 20 seconds.
Armor and Magic Penetration is the player's ability to strike a spell or an attack ignoring the defensive status of the opponent.
Abnormal Status Resistance is the player's ability to avoid a skill that causes an abnormal status like stun, poison, fear, petrify, sleep, root, rage, confusion, charm, silence and burn.
Critical Resistance is the player's ability to evade critical attacks. Perfect Critical Resistance totally evades critical attacks though it rarely happens.
Movement Speed is the player's walking or running pace.
Skill Maximum Rate is the maximum amount of damage you can inflict with the player's spells. It is added onto the base damage and the skill maximum rate represents the player's highest possible amount of damage.
Primary Stats comprises of Strength ( STR ), Intelligence ( INT ), Constitution ( CON ), Dexterity ( DEX ) and Psyche ( PSY ).
Secondary Stats are under the primary stats.
Increase in secondary stats percentage per level does not include pure stats gained from items, skills, achievements and etc.