Chapter Twenty Six: The Giant

Inside the void of neither night nor day, the knights journeyed cautiously since their previous encounter with the griffins, thirty minutes ago.

I will also enlighten the reader of the fact that being within The Gutter of Despair; One does not require food nor drink. Azackton created this separate dimensional world for violent purposes only. It was made by him, in order to send those whom he hated most, to die the most harrowing death imaginable; Inside this gutter. As I've explained before, Azackton is a master, and the king of sorcery; He is able to create separate worlds and adjust them as his instrument, in whatever way he so pleases.

Getting back to the story, as our heroes walked only thirty minutes after the war of the griffins, they encountered a very perilous battle.

"It seems strange that this large boulder is here, when there was mostly grass around", Toru spoke, looking questioningly at it, below his plated boots.

"Rather so. But after everything I've seen, nothing should surprise me anymore", answered Avery.

Suddenly the ground of boulders shook tremendously under where the knights treaded.

"Woahhh", the Prince fell back as the mountainous boulders began to rise.

Two large arms and legs forming, the head adorned of rock, emerged at the top of the great creature.

"What in the world is that?!" Avery shouted, gazing at its gigantic proportions.

"A rock giant!" Boru cried, pointing.

The giant mountain of rocks, roared hideously at the four men; Nearly deafening them with its echoing shouts. The ground shook, a great earthquake trembling as the creature roared.

"Watch out", exclaimed Toru, rolling out of the way, as the giant attempted to step on them.

"How do we fight it?" Halu asked, raising his voice.

"Perhaps thwarting its vision will be of use! Allow me to use my magic", Avery suggested. Dart of light!"

Aiming for the giant's eyes, the Prince summoned magical darts of light.

It struck the monster, and took with it, some remnants of boulders from its eyes with them.

The giant roared in greater fury, trying to grab Avery with its gigantic hand.

"I have another idea."

Creating a large, round boulder with his powers, Avery hurled it towards the giant's kneecaps.

The force of impact demolished the creature's knees, propelling it to crash heavily to the ground; Breaking apart.

The Prince of Cravon, has excelled in his magical use of The Scrolls of Internal Light. But still, he knew within his heart, that he still, had room for improvement.