Chapter 11:33 the Inside-Out Mirror

Remember the room Theo ran through in the old buried castle— the one with all the mirrors stored in it? That was a bit of foreshadowing. Now Kane's leading them right back there.

What happened was— the guard tossed Oliver and Mr. Bear into the cell with Theo, however what the guard didn't know was that Mr. Bear snatched the skeleton key off the guard's keyring.

When the guard left, Theo opened the doors to all of the cells and freed everyone, including Kane (as Theo had no idea he's the Bang Utot trying to capture him).

Kane told them he knew the way out and would take them there, so they all followed him back into the old castle, beyond the upside down room, right into the mirror room.

When they enter the mirror room, Kane puts his head down and runs through, disappearing into the darkness.

"Kane?" Theo says as he nervously speeds up. "Where'd you go?"

Ahead of them, the Bang Utot shadow leaps out of one mirror and into another one. A giant arm reaches back out and grabs Oliver, yanking him through a mirror across the room, the shadow hands twist him like a cloth.

The forgotten children scream and scatter, terrified. Enoch struggles to keep them together.

"You're coming with me!" Kane shouts.

"We're not your enemies!" Theo yells.

Theo runs toward the voice and sees Kane in a corner of the room with his eyes tightly shut and punches him in the face. Kane spins, falling head-first into a mirror.

"No!" Kane screams as he opens his eyes and the Bang Utot drops Oliver. Kane hits the mirror, cracking it into a web that traps the Bang Utot inside as it shatters.

Kane steps back in disbelief— eyes wide open. The Queen lied to him. He looked into the mirror but he's ok. The curse is broken.

Mr. Bear coughs, "My voice! It's back!"

Oliver looks at him, shocked, "You can talk?"

"Gwendolyn," Kane says, gaining his composure. "I have to go."

"Wait!" Theo shouts. "You said you would show us the way. My sister and I have to get home and you're going to help us."

Enoch and the forgotten children gather behind Theo.

"The only way for you to get home is the same way you got here," Kane says. "With the Bang Utot through a mirror. But if you want to get up to the Crystal Castle, follow me."

Before running off, Theo grabs a piece of the broken mirror and puts it in his pocket.