Chapter 6

Blackpink Cars





They all followed they're managers car to the place

Exo dorm


"Yah!Let's get ready now". D o said. "We are already ready so yeah we better hurry up"Chan said. "So who's car were gonna use? Let's just use the limo tell Manager hyung" Kai said." Yeah so we can comeback early" Baek and Sehun said in unison." "Let's go now get up and leave" Suho said."Let's go! I'm excited" Chen said squelled . ""Me too!" Xiumin answered happily.

Exo attire

Exo Limo

6:00 pm

At YG EnT Safehouse

Hyun Suk arrived first then 5 minutes later Soo Man arrived

"Hello welcome to our safehouse" Hyun Suk said to Soo Man . "It's nice here but I'm feeling uneasy about they're reaction" Soo Man said. "Me too let's get inside then wait for them then Blackpink will be here in 3 mins " Hyun Suk said smiling. "We will have dinner here outside the house?"Soo Man asked. "Yes don't worry are wall here are high so no one can see us" Yg said. "That's a relief" Soo Man commented. "Oh they're here" Hyun Suk said to Soo Man . Blackpink didn't notice Lee Soo Man at first. "Good evening Appa!" Jisoo said. "We missed you so much!" Lisa said fake crying. "My girls we just saw each other earlier this morning " Hyun Suk said. " Uh oh we forgot hehe and appa I made you a basket of flower again and a bouquet for eomma and unnies and Lisa helped me too " Rosé said. "And I made a cake for tonight to Appa here you go Jennie and Rosé handed him the gifts

-Please wait for the next chapter😊

to bad photos can't be seen