WebNovelTHE ONE9.17%

Welcome to Theodulf

Karol was the first one to wake up between the two of them so she set out by doing her essentials stuff which is to take shower, change then call her sister up for breakfast but as she exit the shower room while still wrapped with towels her sister greeted her;

"Morning," said Sharon as she looks at Karol who's freshly out from the shower.

"Morning sissy, get up and let's have breakfast together"

"What time is it now?" asked Sharon as she searching for her phone.

"It's 7.05 am now, don't worry we'll go to breakfast around 8 am and meet mummy daddy there too" reply Karol as she combs her long with a touch of naturally wavy hair as she add,

"I called and told them to meet us for breakfast by 8".

"Hmm okay".

Sharon wakes up and does her normal morning routine while Karol waited for her as she plays games on her iPad. After both sisters ready they head over towards the breakfast room in which they join their parents who were there first.

"Girls what time we'll go out from here?" asked William while munching his blackberry pancakes.

In which Karol reply, "By 2 pm we'll check out but I want to check this place out so want to go out and have a drive around with me after breakfast?" as she takes a bite on her vanilla pancakes.

"Sure, let's go out to drive around then take away some food so we can munch in the car when we on our way to Theodulf," said Anna.

"Okay then meet me at the lobby by 10 later," said Karol which earn her a nod and okay sign from her family.

"By the way how long will it take for us from Filtiarn to Theodulf?" asked William curiously as they hop in the lift.

"Around 2 to 3 hours long drive depends on the traffic flow and also driving style of course" replied Sharon.

"Okay we're there so meet at the lobby by 10 okay mummy daddy," said Karol as they partway.

At 10 on the dot, all of them gather at the lobby and head out just like Karol's request in which is to have a drive around at Filtiarn first before leaving to Theodulf.

"Let's go, our car is here," said Karol as the car pull in front of them.

"Okay let's go and search for foods first"

Said an excited Sharon as she hops on the driver's seat.

"Up next is the local market, I don't think it'll be that great but let's just see and roam around that area for a bit," said Karol as she punches in the address.

15 minutes later they've reached the local market in which is a good thing as it was close by so they aimlessly drive around the town first while searching for an authentic souvenirs alley or any shops that sell souvenirs before head back to their hotel and pack.

After their souvenirs hunting is done, they drove back to the hotel to freshen themselves up, pack their belongings and head to Theodulf just as they planned.

"You guys ready? The car is here" asked Sharon as Karol was up at the front desk checking them out.

"How about Karol? She's still checking out for us?" asked Anna as she looks at Karol's direction.

"She's coming, it's almost done. Let's wait for her inside the car since it's parked right in front of the hotel plus the guys need to load our stuff" reply Sharon as she pointed at the bell boy who's waited for them at the side of the entrance.

"Ahh, okay, okay. Let's load our stuff first" said Anna while pulling her husband who is busy reply urgent text from work.

"Okay, all done. Let me drive sis since you've drive us around without break for 2 days" said Karol as she opens the driver's side of the door.

"Okay sure but later we'll switch okay," said Sharon as she climbs over to the passenger's seat next to the driver seat without exiting the car.

"Sure, no problem at all" reply Karol as she fastens her seatbelt and drove off.

As the family set out to their next destination which is Theodulf city, along the way they murder few songs from sad ones to Hip-Hop genre without remorse.

A road trip with the family plus a few foods that they pack before living their so-called snack or tidbits that can be eaten as a meal.

Halfway through the road trip, Karol switches with Sharon as she keeps on bugging her to switch as they planned.

"WELCOME TO THEODULF," said Karol as she saw the signboard.

"Lol, can't you be any dorkier (chuckle)" reply Sharon as she shakes her head slightly at her sister who was grinning next to her.

"It's 4.55 pm. Not bad so we take almost 3 hours just to get here with the amount of us continuously stopping along the way" said Karol as she punches in the house address to the car navigation.

30 minutes later they reach the house that they rent, it was a double story luxury type of house equipped with modern technology as they enter the house without the need for the owner to be there and explain to them.

The master bedroom was being occupied by the parents while the second-largest bedroom occupied by Sharon and Karol take the room next to her sister.

"Ready?" said Sharon as soon as she enters the living room while looking at her father who's immersed in his film and her sister who's sprawling across on the other sofa like a dead body.

"Check on mummy first then we'll ready" reply Karol

"I'm here and ready. Let's go" said Anna as she shoves her phone inside her small handbag.

"At last... It's 6.30 pm and I'm ravenous" said Karol but not before she extended her hands.

"Let's go Dada," said Karol as he hit her father's thigh with her extended limbs.

"Roger that dough, dough (short for daughter)" said William as he gets up from the sofa without closing the TV.

"Dinner at sky view restaurant or a normal restaurant?" asked William.

"Of course sky view" replied Sharon.

"For her to updates on social media. She's an influencer everyone" said Karol as she makes a funny face and puke face as she said the 'influencer' words.

"Shut up you dwarf"

"Go to this address," said William as he hands over his phone to Karol.

Karol quickly punch the address in, hand the phone back to her father as he called the restaurant to place their order while they are on their way to the restaurant and 15 minute later they've arrived at their destination.

"Dinner first then lounge at the bar after this?" asked Sharon.

"Nah, I'll skip tonight because I need to check on my subordinate" reply William as he cut his half-cook steak.

"Nope, not tonight, I want to go shopping tomorrow, want to come with me tomorrow?" asked Anna as she looks at her girls.

"No thank you. I'll pass" said Karol while sipping her drinks.

"I'll go. I want to buy some clothes"

Replied Sharon in which earns her a glare from Karol before she said in a joking manner while chuckling;

"You have tons and tons of clothes that are waiting to be used inside your luggage and you still want to go shopping?! Dear heavens I hope we don't go bankrupt"

"Bitch please, my money okay. My money" reply Sharon as she steals Karol's fries.

"She said she's rich and now she's a fries' stealer," said Karol laughing while Sharon merciless hit Karol's arm a couple of times

"Okay, okay. Truce, truce. Sorry. Your money is endless we know, old young Judge Sharon" said Karol as she throws in her white napkins.

The night ends with a full belly as they lounge and lazing around the living room before head back to their perspective rooms.