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The Revelation: Part 1

Christian was done with Karol's game of avoiding him so he waited for the perfect timing then he grabs Karol. He quickly hugs her from behind making Karol go stiff enough for him to start walking toward his home office meeting room.

He gently pushes her while his arms wrap around Karol's upper body and with other hands he covers her mouth preventing her to screams out for help. Christian takes a whiff of his mate's scent making Karol slightly shudder but quickly cover it as she trashes around slightly.

"Please don't scream baby girl,"


Before Karol could release herself she was pushed inside the meeting room by Christian making everyone in that room freeze on their spot. While Ulfred asked; "Oh my goddess, Karol? Is that really you?"

Bardou who was there abruptly stood up from his chair. With an emotionless expression Karol looked at them and rolled her eyes then she releases her breath as her face plastered with 'I'm so done with the whole situation.

Karol turns around wanting to exit the room but was blocked by Christian who's looking like a living dead person. In a flat tone she said;



"I said, move,"

"No, please don't leave me. I beg you"

Beg Christian as he took one step forward while at the same time Karol takes one step backwards.

Karol just rolled her eyes and then as she almost took another step towards the door all of the sudden William, Anna, Beo and Accalia come rushing inside the meeting room making everyone in that room turn and look at them but not Karol and Christian as they both eyeing each other's movement.

Accalia was the first one to break the silence as she walk over to Karol; "Oh my goddess Karol, you finally come back," and hug her.

Karol hug her back in a stiff and awkward hug as she still eyeing Christian then come to Beo as he hugs her too in a loving manner.

"We have been searching for you for years Karol, where have you been?"

Karol take a deep breath and said in a polite tone "Was away, here and there, exploring the world".

"Why didn't you call us or inform us about it? We all worried especially Christian" said Beo making Karol roll her eyes and scoff.

"No reason just not wanting to tell anyone about my journey that's all, so can I go now? Someone is waiting for me"

Christian in a mocking manner said;

"Someone? I bet that someone is your precious until you leave everyone behind"

"Yes Christian, that particular someone is my precious, nothing can replace him. He's my world, my everything"

"I hope he won't betray you as much as you did me,"

Karol clenched her fist at that bullshit statement as she looked dead in Christian eyes with a seething manner she uttered;

"No. He will NEVER betray me unlike what you DID to me. What you did is unforgiven and degrading even for you. You fucking asshole"

Christian didn't like the way Karol talk to him, he gradually get angry with the disrespectful tone was directed at him;

"You didn't listen to me, you run away even before I could explain to you,"

"Explain what Christian, what are you going to tell me huh?! Say sorry to me?! Apologies to me that you fucking rape me?!"

Everyone in the room gasped except for William and Anna who tried to calm themselves down as they take their seat the table just listen to everything.

"You fucking did WHAT?!"

Scream Accalia as she turns around but her movement was halted as Karol quickly grabs her hands halted her movement, she turns around to look at Karol with a puzzled and angry expression, Karol simply shakes her head in no motion.

But before she releases her hand they could hear a slap resounding inside the room as Beo slaps his son. In a loud, angry tone he said; "You fucking disgrace, how could you do this to her?!" as he looks at his son in a disappointed manner.

"I was drunk that night, it's not my intention to rape her someone set me up but I already take care of her,"

"Then explain, since you drag me here and brought this up upon yourself, everyone is here to listen,"

"It was the full moon and you were not there and also weren't supposed to be here so we went out to party and my ex was there. She wanted to make me fall for her again but I have you my beautiful mate, so I tell her no and a few hours later I was wasted then she stripped me but she didn't manage to do so as I run away from her so I come and find you then I did the unthinkable because out of jealousy. I'm sorry Karol truly am sorry"

"Sorry? Jealousy? Apologize after the whole ordeal? That's all you care huh, you think by saying sorry you'll be forgiven? I'm still pissed and now even more after I heard your stupid explanations. (deep breath) You know because of your jealousy a poor kid almost got killed, because of your stupidity that never wants to listen to me as you went to the party and got yourself in that situation, because of your horny state you fucking rape me in the woods do you know that?! I was in a mess, I bleed that night I was torn both physically and emotionally, because of you I feel like I'm worthless it's all because of you!"

Said Karol loudly as she unloads her feeling. As soon as she said that, she was shaking a little, both in anger and in frustration while looking at Christian who's standing there looking like a statue, as he freezes on his spot.

He feel stupid, angry at himself, wanting to beat his ass till pulp, he was ashamed of his attitude, action and his wrongdoing towards Karol.