WebNovelAgent 11100.00%

The Special Mission


When Blake Hannings showed up at my bedroom door with fifty dollars, I was immediately suspicious. Sure it was completely normal for Blake to visit me, seeing as he lived just a room over. But bringing money meant advance payment for a mission. And If he happens to be carting around the exact payment of a special mission, I'd bet my best training sword and a week of letting Lucy use it, it was more than just a coincidence. Given the circumstances, I almost wish I'd lose that wager. Special missions were difficult, and the last one almost got me in a situation way over my head.

I've come to dread these trips, with the reasons varying from a dumb amount of pride and fear of failure, to as more validated wish to continue living as anything other than a prisoner. After a moment of standing, I invited him into my room.

The A-Team building was a large square shaped structure meant to be a comfortable home for each member. The downstairs was a few closets, two bathrooms, a dining room, a kitchen, and a living room. The upstairs was a hallway with doors to all five (out of nine) used bedrooms, a training area, and an empty room with floor-to-ceiling windows on the two walls facing the outside. My room was close to the stairs, across from Sam's, and right before Blake's.

I closed the dark wood paneled door, catching a glimpse of Sam leaving her room to fix up dinner. Then I rushed back to my bed, and quickly swept the five stuffed animals sitting on the floor under the bed. When I heard a knock, I'd instinctively tried to hide them, but, in my rush, effectively failed. I sighed, and turned around, glad that he couldn't see my bed from the doorway. "Sorry. Come, sit down." Once seated in the living room-like space of my reading corner, I waited awkwardly for a brief moment, pushing a strand of golden-brown hair out of my eyes before deciding to get to what I assumed was the root of the problem. "So, what's the latest on Counterattack?" This Counterattack I spoke of is our primary enemy, who we have been at war with for years. Normally, I try not to see things in black and white, but Counterattack is pure evil. The atrocities I've seen them commit with my own eyes, the stories even a low level agent could tell could scar an ordinary person for life. Recently, they've been growing unpredictable, forging new weapons, and trying more fighting techniques. I assumed Blake was here to deliver an update of the goings on, as lower class agents had the terribly unfortunate habit of being far too afraid of me to speak in my presence. Even more worrisome, if Blake was here about some new tactic we couldn't beat, the tides may turn in Counterattacks favor, dooming Allegiance to crumble. "Well, a rumor has been spreading about something called Liquid Fear, but that's not why I'm here." Blake let me digest that information for a moment, though I had to push aside the questions about this scary new topic.

Whatever 'Liquid Fear' was, it didn't sound very pleasant. But if he wasn't here about that, could there be something worse? Seeing the worry on my face, Blake laughed. "Oh 11, you always assume things are worse than they really are." 11 was the condescending, belittling, irritating, but somehow endearing nickname my friends call me to show that I might be in charge of people as second in command, but they could still annoy the heck out of me in a friendly way. It was also the age that I'd arrived here, with no memory of my former life. They'd run some tests, and found out my age, 11 years old. And, since that was all the information I had about myself, my full name became Agent 11.

It was a truly rare thing when Blake begs. Sure, he doesn't plead like other individuals because as my superior, he has to keep some level of dignity, but the desperation creeped into his voice all too recognizably. How could I possibly say no? However, simply because I felt like it, I decided to mess with him as much as second in command and most trusted friend privileges allow. I always do.

"Hmm Blake, I don't know. Can I?"

Blake stared at me incredulously, most likely pondering why I was made second in command; or why I was alive in general. I sighed, letting up on the unsuccessful failure of a joke. "I'll do it. When do I leave?" Blake suddenly looked uncomfortable and awkward, all signs of irritatingly strict manner gone. "Well, our spies heard about this on short notice, and I learned on even shorter-"

"When do I leave, Blake?"

He sighed. "Nightfall tomorrow." Typical. I have until tomorrow night to prepare for a mission in the dark, in the woods, in enemy filled territory, with no mental preparation at all. The adventure of a lifetime!

Oh, now I finally get why they call me sarcastic.

But since I'd already committed to the idea, I couldn't simply back out. I'd never let Blake down like that. "I'll be ready. Just, at least give me a ride over to the outskirts." Blake smiled, probably glad he could do something, at least. "Alright. See you at dinner, 11." Our meeting now over, he handed me the to-be-earned money, and I hugged him in a way only people who are irreplaceably close to another can, before ushering him out the door.

Once it was safely closed, I smiled, and crouched on the floor, pulling out those stuffed animals from beneath the bed skirt. I had five. A dog with deep blue eyes, an owl with golden coloured eyes, a fluffy white cat with brown eyes, a black cat with blue eyes, and a white lamb with green eyes. I had secretly bought them to represent the A-Team. It was embarrassing, so I hid them whenever anyone came in. The dog was a young saint Bernard with dark brown stripes. That represented my loyal, loveable friend, Blake. The brown owl was Michael, who had golden (light brown) eyes and dark skin like the owl's feathers. The white cat, well it was the only one with my eye color, and the A-Team compares me to a feline all the time! It's not like I had much of a choice! Sam was the white lamb with bright green eyes. Her hair was white-blond, and her eyes were an extreme leaf green like an elf.

Lastly, Lucy was the black cat, like her hair color. But I had specially asked that the makers give the cat blond hair at the top by bleaching it subtly. See, Lucy dyed her hair black not just to look more scary and cool, but also because blond girls got a reputation for being dumb, for some inexplicable reason. She was insecure. No one was supposed to know that, but it was very hard to keep a secret here.

That was why I took every precaution to hide my stuffed animals.

I smiled at them all, always close together, always tumbling on to the ground from unexpected visitors. I positioned them back in front of my pillows. As I pulled out my phone, ready to alert the A-Team since I was both unsure of where everyone was and too lazy to go look, a small paper note fell out of the cash. Printed in horrible handwriting, the kind only Blake could accomplish, was: 'Tell the others about the mission.' I rolled my eyes cynically. Not only was that super overdramatic, but I'd beat him to it. If he wanted me to tell the others, he could have just told me in person when he was here less than two minutes ago. Not to mention that we all lived in the same building. Apparently, either I wasn't the only lazy one, or Blake had anticipated my decision. Glancing down at my phone, I couldn't help triumphantly whispering to myself. "One step ahead of you."

In the group chat were: Me, Sam Halsole, Lucy Marwing, Michael Selverd, and Blake Hannings himself. Just your ordinary band of fifteen year olds, casually trying to save the world. Sam, who is far too good and pure for this cruel world, Lucy, who terrifies absolutely everyone she meets. Michael, who is the best strategy planner in the whole Allegiance community, and not just our little base. And Blake, my Blake, who is the actual, legitimate leader of this place, and the most influential. I love them all so much, but even so, I decided to mess with them a bit. It's a well known habit of mine: The ones I care about the most, I tease constantly for some reason. I think it's because I can be my less profesional self around them once I'd let my superficial Agent act drop. I put the receiver to my ear, and when everyone joined, I pretended to be serious and somber, which isn't that hard given the years of training in acting to misguide enemies. I was about to speak, when Lucy interrupted. "11, we're all in the same building. Why call us?" I ignored the question. "Hey, guys. Blake just spoke with me...and he wants to fire me." There was a brief quiet before a tremendous uproar of anger, shock that Blake would even briefly entertain the idea of firing me, and some comments directed at Blake that could actually get someone fired (Lucy) until they heard my not so quiet laughter, that I'd tried desperately to conceal. Then the chatter melted away to a buzzing silence. I waited, feeling the mood hadn't shifted much. They were less angry, but now it was directed at me. Lucy, my best friend, spoke first, annoyance and slight humor laced into each word. "So not cool, 11. Not cool." Then she laughed, because Lucy could never stay mad at me for long. We were just too alike. Michael, on the other hand, almost exploded. "11, why do you have to be so childish? Act like the second in command Blake saw you are! Pranking us about a serious topic. You had us worried! Now that is not cool. You know we would all hate it if you were fired." To have Michael disprove did less than he intended, as he is almost always the mother hen, wet blanket, lecturer type person. Sam, ever curious and seldom irritated about anything, got over it quickly and piped up with the unasked question." Did you call just to prank us, or actually for more important matters?" I paused, searching for the right words to not worry anyone. Knowing my team, knowing me and what I face on a daily basis, I expected good results. "Guys, I have to go on another mission. I wanted to tell you, but I didn't want to leave my room." A surprisingly calm, rational blend of voices states several opinions about how I could be lazy as a hardworking, always active agent in the time of half a sentence. "A special mission." Three words bring everything collapsing back into turmoil. Then I remembered that these people are well trained. They know my experience with special missions, and by my hesitation, inference that this one won't exactly be cake on a platter. After filling them in about the whole plan, I waited, bracing my eardrums for shouts that don't come. Everyone seemed strangely calm, or at least, not shouting. Lucy drew a breath, and reluctantly said. "11, I wish you didn't have to do this. But if it helps us keep the upper hand on Counterattack that we've fought so hard for, you have to." The others murmured their agreement, and an oppressive silence fell. In the hidden, darker back of everyone's mind, it came to light that as an Agent, life isn't easy or safe. Each mission could be your last. Our joking lighthearted banter was always to hide a looming fear. Even the most skilled among us can fall. The reason we fight is to keep millions of innocent people from the reality of war. The cheery demeanor was now all but gone, because this was the crushing reality. I sighed and closed my eyes, desperate for a moment of clarity. A cough of a person I only just saw rang out, shattering the tension, destroyed by Blake, who was somehow listening the whole time.

Of course he was.

"Don't worry. Everyone will be at the trial, so Agent 11 will be perfectly safe. Trust me, I have only her best interests at heart." Everyone already knew this, but hearing Blake say it made the safety more realistic. Sam is the first to talk, and when she does, you can practically hear her flustered blushing. "Oh, Blake. I didn't know you'd picked up the call as well. Um, hi." Sam has a massive crush on Blake, and it isn't exactly secret. Honestly, with Blake's skills of perception, I'm genuinely shocked he hasn't found out. I hope he does soon, because a wonderful person like Sam, beautiful inside and out, wouldn't have trouble getting a boyfriend. However, others have agreed that they would be the cutest couple. Micheal mostly, as he was in charge of planning the wedding between the two.

You know, just teasing banter.

More questions about the mission, until I felt almost relaxed. We got a bit off topic, leading to a debate about the uses of several weapons. Everyone became invested in that argument quite quickly. "Bows. The archery kind, not Sam's fabric tool of mass decoration. You can hide, and aim at a crucial part of a building to break glass so climbers can get it. No risk for you." Michael lectured. "No risk? Where's the fun in that? I'd rather fight someone one on one with a sword." I agreed with Lucy's point that swords were the best choice. "If I had to choose something that wasn't a sword, it would be a dagger. That could take an enemy by surprise, if they thought they disarmed you, and suddenly you attacked them with a blade they didn't know you had. Plus, a dagger is easier to hide." We talked for a while, before again changing the subject. "Hey, if you had to choose one place to live for the rest of your life, where would it be?" Blake randomly asked, in order to save the lulling conversation. Sam spoke up first. "Probably Florida. The sunshine is so nice there. I used to live there for a while and it was beautiful." I smiled. "That's a pretty typical Sam answer. You're like a flower. I think you live off sunlight."

"What if she secretly is a flower?"

"Conspiracies all around us!"

"Aww, you guys figured out my secret!" Sam said, trying to get the words out through her laughter. Honestly, it didn't sound too far from the truth. Sam's skin was a permanent tan color from all the time outside gardening. Her hair was pale blond like corn silk, making her somehow incredibly brilliant green eyes pop. "I'd like to live in Colorado. The snow and skiing would be awesome." Lucy had an incredible love of snow, despite the fact that the area we lived in had large amounts of snowfall a year, though mostly around the holidays, like a Christmas gift. "Area 51." Michael said simply.

There was a brief, definitely judgmental silence. "The heck?" I questioned. "It would be so cool to see the technology there. To find out a secret the world wished they knew." "So if you ever went to Area 51, you wouldn't tell us what happens there?" Lucy teased, a grin seeming to lace her words. Michael, wisely, didn't respond. "11, your turn." I paused, thinking for a moment. The answer was incredibly cliche, but it was the only true one I could give.

"Honestly, I couldn't imagine being anywhere but here. I wouldn't want to anyway." A chorus of "Aww"s and one "Sap" from Lucy (of course). I smiled. "Plus, I've basically only lived here my whole life, so I literally cannot imagine any other place." I had decided not to count my erased years, because I could picture living here my whole life. "Blake?" My dark haired superior spoke in a playfully rueful tone. "Well, I was going to say 'I wouldn't want to be anywhere but here' but you completely stole my idea." I laughed a little. "Well that's because you practically own this place. No one in their right mind would leave." "But are any one of us in our right minds? I mean we work for Blake." Lucy loudly whispered.

A dangerous thing to say to someone's boss, but Blake never took offence to teasing, even if it could have crossed a line. Blake gasped in mock offense, barely audible over the muffled laughter. "Oh stop giggling, you all sound like giddy schoolgirls."

After a while, when we'd almost run out of things to say, an idea popped into my head. "Hey guys? Do you mind if we all do another bonding exercise?" Bonding exercises were just us hanging out, but official sounding so outsiders wouldn't judge the lack of professionalism. "Sure, why not." I heard a series of clicks as I heard others hang up.


Me and one other person. I could guess who it was. "Blake?" I waited. "Yeah?" A smile broke over my face. I knew him so well. "Thanks. For easing my concerns. I was kinda afraid to go on another special mission after what happened with the last one." "11, I've always been there to help you not be afraid. Why would I stop now?" I paused at the emotion in his voice. I didn't really know what to say next, so I spoke as sincerely as I felt, which was a lot. "Thank you. Really, thank you so much. I'll see you downstairs." I waited until he left, then hung up.

I hugged my phone to my chest, feeling lucky to have them all. After a moment, I got up, and went downstairs. The others were in the kitchen. "Hey, Sam had already started making dinner, so we can't do a cook off again." I sighed. That was the original plan. Cook off, then vote on a movie. "We could play a game instead." Sam offered. It sounded good, but I didn't really know any games. "What game?" Lucy smiled evilly. "We could tell scary stories, to try to freak each other out." I looked over quickly. "How about no." Lucy's eyebrows knit together. "11, you like scary stuff. I thought one of those two chickens would object." She pointed 'discreetly' at Michael and Sam. "Sure, I like horror, but I'm going to be in the woods in unsafe territory tomorrow. I don't need an overactive imagination on top of that." We decided to wait until after dinner to decide. Sam had made a salad, with a side of raspberries. It was eaten quickly, but nice. After the meal, we went back to planning. I was about to suggest hide and seek, a personal favorite, when Blake smiled. "Would you rather?" Lucy rolled her eyes. "That's kinda a teenage girl sleepover thing, don't you think?" Michael raised an eyebrow. "Lucy, we're all teenagers, technically every day is a sleepover, and you've never hesitated to point out that we're all girls." I high-fived Michael, surprised at the witty remark, and Lucy sighed. We sat down in a circle, waiting for the start. "Okay! Sam, would you rather dress like 11 for a week or dress like Lu for a week?" Sam looked at Blake, accusatory at being chosen first. "Well if I dressed like Lucy, everyone would be scared of me." I interrupted her. "Sam, no one would be scared of you. You are the sweetest person on this earth. Even Lucy's clothes couldn't ruin that." I waved my hand around her face, and Lucy playfully glared at me. "But if I dressed like 11, everyone would think I was an emo." I had been watching Michael, who was trying to sneak off, but my head whipped back over to Sam. "I'm sorry, what?" I asked passive aggressively, disbelieving. Blake rolled his eyes and pulled me to my feet. He dragged me to the full length mirror in the closet. "The purple hoodie-"

"You got that for me!"

"The black jeans. The dark grey shirt. The purple nail polish. The black socks. You're all gloomy!" I glared at him. "It's out of an instinct to camouflage." I lied. "And how are grey and purple emo?" I made finger quotes in the last part. I wouldn't tell them it was actually because I arrived at Allegiance in all black and purple, and I knew I had once liked the edgier style. Truly, I prefered brighter colors, but this way, I was keeping alive the person I might have once been. However saying that would make my friends feel guilty for teasing me. But I froze as I heard the next words coming from Lucy. "Yeah. 11, you even showed up here in dark clothes. Heck, I think you're wearing the shirt right now." I paused, waiting for my intellectual friends to figure it out. I waited a moment longer, before deciding that this time something had finally slipped past them.

"So Samantha. Who's clothes would you rather wear for a week!" Sam refocused when I used her full name. "Lucy's. That's only because she has some brightly colored clothes in her closet." A smirk broke over my face. "Oh really? Well your wish is granted. For the rest of the week, you will dress in outfits from Lucy's room." I announced. Two sets of eyes widened in fear. "Oh come on! You know she'll 'improve' them. I once gave her a plain gray shirt. A day later, she had sewn lace on the sleeves and somehow added glitter." She turned to Sam. "How did you add glitter?" Sam smiled mysteriously. "My closet is doomed, isn't it?" Another secretive glance. After the laughter subsided, we calmed down enough to play another round of the game. It was going smoothly, as the asker was allowed to make their choice real if it was possible. The 'Which superpower would you rather have' was sadly impossible. Everything was fine until Lucy's second turn. "11." She decided. I sighed, and prayed for my existence. "Would you rather..." She trailed off as a strangely mischievous expression came over her face.

"Would you rather kiss Michael or Blake?"

I did a double take. I knew all too well of Sam's crush on Blake, and Lucy's crush on Michael. The last one wasn't obvious in any way, aside from Lucy having his back more. I had only known for sure when I read her diary. Two girls with identical feelings, both my friends. I felt a strange panicky feeling in my chest. "No offence Lu, but what the heck? Weren't you the one to complain about cliche teenage girl sleepovers?" I discreetly glanced at each person. Michael seemed the calmest, Sam looked confused, and Blake...

Blake looked stricken.

I turned back to Lucy, faking a confident smile as I decided to tell the truth. "Blake. We're best friends, so it wouldn't really mean anything other than platonic friendship. Besides, Michaels too boring to give my first kiss to." I spoke calmly, an intense contrast to the jackhammering in my heart. Thankfully, there was no tremor in my voice. Lucy looked intrigued, while Sam looked slightly more relaxed than before. Michael didn't look affected, though he shot me a sympathetic look. Then I noticed Blake's large sapphire blue eyes were wide, even more caught off guard than before. "Oh really? Well your wish is granted." I remember just a few minutes ago when I had said the same thing when I was talking to Sam. A cold needle of panic began to sew into my feelings. I glanced at Blake out of the corner of my eye. The gears in his brain were turning.

"Lucy, what?" I asked, praying to every religion I had never been a part of that she was joking. "I'm saying you have to do what you chose." I shook my head quickly. "Why not? Too chicken?" I sighed. "Marwing, I'm not giving away my first for a silly game!" Not even to Blake, my favorite person in the world. "Oh, she used the last name card. Am I in trouble?" She teased. Sam looked upset, though she tried desperately to conceal it, while Lucy smirked. She knew she had put me in a compromising position, and was willing to do more to avenge her closet.

She didn't realize exactly what I was feeling. If she knew how scared I'd suddenly, illogically become, no doubt she'd reconsider. But I…

My pride, my shyness wanted to keep this turmoil a secret. If I were to take that choice, I'd only have one option left.

I sighed, turning to Blake. I shrugged. "Sorry you got dragged into Lucy's revenge plot." I hid the panic of knowing I'd be kissing my best friend, jeopardizing our friendship. I didn't know why I felt so upset, nervous, cornered. It wasn't like I was in Sam's position, watching your crush with someone else. I took a single pace forward, quickly pressing my lips to his, and pulling away instantly. For a split second, I forgot that this was all for revenge. Then I remembered, and backed up about five feet. Despite the growing feeling of unexplainable dread, I made myself refocus, and forced a smile on my face. "See? Didn't mean a thing? Now who wants to watch a movie now?" Lucy smiled. "I say a horror movie." I closed my eyes, irritated. "Lucy, what is your obsession with terrifying things?" "Says the only who made us binge watch all the scariest movies in a day last Halloween." She sighed. "Fine, we won't watch something scary. Then can we watch a cooking show?" I nodded. "That's actually a good idea, Lu." We filed out of the room, but I pulled Sam aside. "Hey. I'm being honest when I say it didn't mean a thing. He's yours." I whispered reassuringly. She smiled. "Sorry. I know it was just a revenge act by Lucy." I smirked. "Wreck her wardrobe for me, okay?" Sam laughed, and I took her hand, and led her back to the living room, onto the couches. I decided to sit on the floor, where no one could see my eyes full of confusion or my senseless shivering. See, my temperature was somewhat connected to my emotions. If I was crying myself to sleep, I'd be cold and shaking for sure. If I was reading a good book, and content, my body temperature was average. Being happy made me feel warmer. I didn't understand it at all, but at least I knew what happened. It was why I got cold so easily, because of my insecurities. I could never truly shake the feeling that I was an outsider, and it made me a little sensitive. I sat through the movie, the chilly tile sending tremors of cold up my body. Eventually, fed up with my uncomfort, I got up to get my soft gray blanket. In hindsight, that wasn't a wise choice. Being alone, in silence made it even worse. I curled up in my bed, and even though the air was set to blasting 81 degree air into my room, only the cold from the tile was going away. I sat in silence, hearing a laugh from one of my friends. Suddenly I couldn't stand the quiet anymore. My eyes were dry for now, but I was still a mess. I reached for my earbuds, and turned on my iPod, grabbing all five of the stuffed animals and cuddling them to my chest. It made me feel a little bit better, more whole. I turned on the light, and pretended I wasn't feeling upset for absolutely no reason. I scanned my brain for the cause of all this. I had been fine only thirty minutes ago. Why had my feelings gone from fine to this in a matter of minutes? I paused, realizing what this was about. "Stupid mysterious emotions." I said aloud. "You, dealing with emotions? God spare us all." I shot bolt upright, stuffing the animals under my blanket. There in the doorway, a concerned look on his face, was Blake. I hadn't heard him come in because of my music. "Oh. Hi." I looked away. "I don't mean to be rude, but could you leave?" I watched his face. A moment of surprise before he smiled. "No." I blinked. "Blake, please get out of my room." To my dismay, he walked over and sat on the bed, on my side. "Remember what you said the first day here? When you're upset, you lash out. You try to block the world out with-" He stopped. "Are you listening to music?" I slowly nodded. Blake's face softened. He knew that music was the best distraction I could think of. "Which playlist?" I looked down at my iPod. "You know which one." I murmured. The same playlist I always listened to whenever I needed to get to fall asleep quickly, the one I only ever needed when my human lullaby was busy. Blake stood up, and for one terrifying second, I thought he was going to leave. He walked around to the other side of my bed, and laid down on the bed. "I consider my playlist superior. Plus, you get unlimited skips." I suppressed a smile, and hugged him. Blake had an incredible singing voice. I had discovered this on karaoke night, which we only had once. Trust me, it was for a good reason. I closed my eyes. He started gently humming, so quiet I almost couldn't hear it. "Blake." I murmured. "Yeah?"

"Could you turn up the volume?"

Blake laughed under his breath, and continued humming, but slightly louder. I smiled, closing my eyes. After listening for a few moments, I could feel the sleepiness creeping over me. It was like an override switch for my sleep schedule, so that whenever I heard Blake humming or singing in a setting such as this, I'd fall asleep quickly. A few times, I had called it magic. That had made him laugh, and wave his hands around like he was 'casting a spell'. "Hey 11, was kissing me really that bad?" All calm evaporated, and I slowly looked over to curious eyes. "What? Why would you think that this is about-" "You can't lie to me. I know you too well." I sighed. "Fine. No it wasn't that bad. I was just afraid it would ruin our friendship. I really didn't want that to happen." Warm blue eyes twinkled in the lamplight. His slightly wavy, very fluffy brown hair looked like dark chocolate. "You can relax then, because nothing could mess up our friendship." I nodded, and closed my eyes, but when he didn't continue humming, I shifted to look at him. A small smile was playing on his face, and to my shock, he held up the stuffed dog version of himself.

"I- Well, Umm." I stuttered eloquently. "11? Would you like to tell me anything about this? Or these?" He pulled off the blanket, revealing the other four fluffy versions of the A-Team members. I flushed bright red. Blake's grin widened. "11, you look like a cherry." He stared at me for a moment longer, and I admitted the truth. "Well you see, when I moved here, I didn't know you all very well and was very shy, so I, well…" I drew in a deep breath. "I observed everyone's behavior, and what animal they were most like. And then I bribe-I mean asked someone to make these." Blake laughed. "You realize the '11 is a cat' joke is never going to go away now, right?" My eyes widened with fear. "You're not going to tell them, right?" He smiled playfully, misunderstanding. "I might. I might not." I shook my head rapidly. "Please don't tell. It would be so embarrassing. I didn't want anyone to know." Blake's smile faded. "What, not even me?"

"No. I know how hard it is to hide something in the A-Team, but I want to keep this,"

I gestured to the stuffed animals.

"A secret. Okay?" I pleaded. Thankfully, Blake nodded. "You know, you'd be surprised to know that it's not actually all that hard to hide a secret from the A-Team." I blinked in confusion. "What?' Blake smiled softly, as if he was thinking of an inside joke in his head that was less funny, and more ironic. "Blake, what do you mean?" He looked back at me, and I wished with all my heart that I could see what was going on in his mind. See, all of us have things we kept 'private', like Sam's crush, Lucy dying her hair, or that Michael wakes up for training every morning, before even the Sun was awake, because he didn't want to be a burden to the team in a fight. But I actually didn't know any of Blake's. "Could you tell me?" I asked. He looked at me, a strange, sympathetic look in his eyes, almost like concern, but not quite. I rolled my eyes, and looked away. "Fine, don't tell me. It's your own life." I lay back down, eyes closed, trying to remain annoyed. Yet, already, the anger was leaving. Blake didn't have to tell me everything. I sighed.

Would I ever be able to stay mad at anyone for more than two minutes?

"I'll show you." My eyes snapped open in an instant. "What?" He half-smiled. "Come on." I got up, then winced at the cold floor against my bare feet. Still, I followed him into his room, where he pulled a corkboard out from under his bed. Every inch was covered in photos Blake had taken of everyone. Pictures of that one time Lucy had held Michael's hand, and Sam had squealed. The time I beat Lucy in training. My eyebrows raised in surprise. "Wow." I noticed that Blake's face was slightly pink. I understood that. A while ago, I had been absolutely bright red, when my stuffed friends had been found out. "I guess you care about all of us very much." He nodded, still not meeting my eyes entirely. I yawned, which caught his attention. "You really should get some sleep." I agreed, and we headed back to my room. I lay down, and pulled the covers to my chin. I waited for a moment, then looked over and saw him standing up and reaching for the doorknob. "Wait. Are you leaving?" Stupid vulnerability crept into my voice, freezing Blake in his tracks. He turned around and looked at me, and shook his head at himself. "No, I'm staying right here." Again, he walked around to the side of the bed I had unofficially dubbed his. He lay down next to me, and started quietly humming. Immediately, my eyes began to close, like magic. I smiled, and tried to relax. I allowed myself to doze off, feeling the warmth of trust and companionship chasing away the cold.