Chapter 3

Ella POV

    I paced up and down my room wondering where Percy could have gone. The day he came back from school I knew he would want to spent with Sally and she was planning a surprise trip to Montauk for him.


    There was a bad storm that night and people found their car flipped over and burnt to nearly nothing. They found small traces of blood but otherwise no sign of Sally and Percy.


    Most people assumed Percy had something to do with it but they didn't even know him. Percy wouldn't do something like that. He loved his mom more than anything in the world and he would protect her with his life.


     I walked out of my room with a flustered frown on my face while Haley stared at me from the sofa.

    "Tell Dad I'm going to look for Percy," I told him as I walked out the door.


     It was stupid I know, but right then, the only thing on my mind was Percy.

    I spent all afternoon looking for Percy and asking people about him. I didn't even notice how how I'd been out until I realised the sky was dark.


     I sat down and leaned by back on a tree, overcome by the sudden wave of tiredness that hit me like an earthquake.


    I'd better be getting back. I thought as I used the tree to help me stand up. Suddenly, the ground opened up and everything went black.


   I sat up groggily and rubbed by head. I forced myself to stand up and waited for my eyes to get used to the dark. I seemed to be in some kind of tunnel. I turned around but there was no sign of where I had fallen in.


      I started to walk, hoping to come to an exit or a sign of one. The walls were  made of gray cement and the ceiling gradually dipped lower, until I had to start to hunch over. It kept on getting narrower and smaller until I had to crawl.


    Just then, it opened up to a large hallway with three different tunnels. I picked the middle one and hoped for the best.


     This tunnel was a beautiful mosaic of pictures of the Roman myths Dad had told me about. There was Neptune with his sea chariot, Mercury with his winged sandals, and Jupiter and some fauns. The tiles were  dusty and faded but wonderfully preserved and not even chipped a little.


     I walked on and I soon came to a place a little more like home, with bricks walls and pipes running along the ceiling. Graffiti was everywhere displaying a vast vocabulary of words.


      The strangest thing was in the middle of the tunnel, there was a door. It was rotting and full of insects crawling all over it. I tried the handle and the whole door just collapsed revealing steps leading out.


      I started to climb the steps two at a time so I could get out in the fresh air again. After five minutes of climbing I finally reached the top.


    Warm air greeted me as I stepped out into the starlight.


    I had to get home! Mom and Dad would be worried sick.


    I started down the street panicking a little when I didn't recognize anything.

    Where was I?