Chapter 3 - the Deer chase

Rachel find the guys," Hey", Rachel shouted, Edward and Randal turned around.

"Hello", Edward greeted.

"Hi did you get my phone?", Randal asked.

"Yeah, I have right here it took me for hours to find you guys", Rachel said that as she passed him his phone.

"Oh, no it's cracked well at least it still works", Randal said as he was touching the screen of his phone but everything was black.

"I think that it's broken", Edward said.

"So what about this deer?", Rachel asked.

"Right, we noticed a deer laying on the grass and we want to keep him as a pet", Randal responded.

"Why? It's just strange for me to understand".

"To be honest I don't know I just saw him and I wanted to him as my pet but he ran away from us", Randal responded.

"Then why you didn't go and look for him and instead waited for me", Rachel asked in frustration.

"We didn't had a choice Randal has left his phone and we needed someone to be with Randal while I go look for the deer the right way", Edward said.

"Okay but what do we do once we found him? I mean how would we even contact one another?".

"Maybe whoever finds the deer should head back to the camp and wait for the others", Randal suggested.

"This could work, by the way where is Clarisse isn't she with you?", Edward asked.

"Well, she stayed at campfire with me but after some time right before your call she began to wonder where in this forest is water, so I told her where the waterfall is and then she left me".

"Okay no time to waist let's go", Randal said that as they took different directions.

While Randal and Rachel were walking Randal noticed a beautiful flower and picked it up for Rachel," This flower looks nice doesn't it?", Randal asked.

" I guess", Rachel said that as she took the flower from Randal's hand and put it in her hair," Can I ask you something?".

"By all means", Randal responded.

"Did you had a good look at that monster that was after us?".

" No I didn't had a clear sight, did you?".

"No I don't think so but he was pretty tall and he had not the best face".

"I know I saw that his face or what you can even call a face was burned".

"Yeah he was creepy I hope that we never run into him because we only escaped out pure luck".

"We surly did I was in such a relief when Edward destroyed the bridge".

"I know this might sound strange but, do you miss home?".

"To be honest I don't even know anymore I mean I do miss home but I try not to wonder what if, I just focus on the future and never look back, and you?".

"Well, I was so tired of home that I wanted to escape and in some way I did it, I'm no longer with my parents or at home it's feels strange yet also familiar".

"When we get back or if we even get back home what will you choose? To stay here or to go back home".

"I don't know yet".

"Can I ask you something?".

"I guess it's only right cause it's your turn".

"Why did we broke up?".

"Not with this again Randal we've been over this thousand times".

"I know but it's been so long and yet I still can't forget about you".

"We just weren't the right match and I don't think that we can find someone similar to one another".

"I guess you're right", Randal and Rachel were walking and they noticed a deer," Look Rachel it's the deer", Randal said that as he pointed his left hand to it".

The deer began to back down and he was about to ran trough them," Was is he doing", Rachel asked.

"I don't know it appears that it's about to attack us, run", Randal said that as the deer ran trough them and into the forest.

"Don't let him out of your sight", Randal said as he began running to catch the deer".

"I got him", Rachel said that as she was about to catch him but Randal also jumped to it and it moved aside causing Randal and Rachel to crash to one another.

"Get off me", Randal said as he began chasing the deer, while Rachel just sat down on a broken tree branch. Randal chased that deer for hours and had been coming up with the plans how to catch the deer he shared them with Rachel.

Rachel has found no interest in his plans so she just sat down on the tree branch and waited for Randal to tier himself out and then they could go back home.

The deer came to Rachel," Hello there deer are you a good one?", Rachel look terrified but the deer only layer down beside her because he was tiered from getting captured all night,"Is it okay if I pet you?", Rachel asked him.

The deer nodded in the response and she patted him, not long after Randal came back," Hi Rachel", Randal was rubbing his eyes and when he got a clear sight," When did you captured a deer?", Randal asked.

"I didn't do anything she came and sat beside me that's all".

"She? You have caught her", Randal asked.

"Yes it appears that you got the gender of the deer wrong", Rachel said with a smile on her face.

"So what should we name her?", Randal asked as he came closer and sat down beside her.

"I don't know I was thinking to call her Lily just because this forest is full of them.

"Well, I think the name suits her", Randal said as he was petting her head.

"So can we go now?", Rachel asked.

"I think that we can but the stars are beautiful tonight why don't we stay just a bit longer".

" You have always to watch the stars haven't you?".

"I did what can I say I love watching them they are so fun to watch We got to take a picture together with Lily", Randal suggested.

"Are you sure? And what about your phone isn't it broken?".

"I'm not sure but I can try", Randal has taken his phone out of his pocket he touched the screen with his fingers to unlock it and i had worked," It worked", Randal said in joy".

"Great come closer and let's take a selfie all of us together", Rachel said that as Lily has stood up and came closer to Randal," Looks like she likes you".

"I guess so, now smile", Randal took the picture of all three of them.

"It looks great now let's set a camp here".

"What about you want to leave this place thing?".

"What can I say I changed my mind".

"It really feels like old times", Randal said that as he sat down by the end of the mountain.