Chapter 15: Mystery Solved

GioYanna's PoV:

"You can't come in here, you're a minor."The bouncer had stood here arguing with me for 7 minutes.

"Come on lady just go."an annoyed person in line behind me called.

'Wait what am I thinking?'

"Fine."I turned, crossing my arms, I stuck my nose up, "Just wait until Cullen hears about this."I waited.

"Uhm...Right this way."the bouncer's voice instantly became worried.

"That's what I thought. Hmph."I glared at him, walking through the doors.

I felt my heart tighten in my chest. I was socially anxious. I began hyperventilating. I tried to focus on finding Cullen. I grabbed my chest, squeezing the cloth, as I dove into the sea of sweaty bodies and smoke. The smell of weed and liquor was thick and made me cough. As I pushed my way through the dancing people, I saw a door guarded by two beefy men in suits. I instantly headed for the door, trying to avoid body contact I kept my head down.

"Hey, aren't you a young foxy thing."a clearly drunken man grabbed my arm.

"Let go of me."I tried to pull away from him.

"You're not goin' anywhere."He began pulling me.

"I said let go."I kicked him in the groin and he immediately fell to the ground doubled over in pain.

I continued making my way to the door. "Let me in, I'm late."I demanded.

"Little girl, you have no business here."the guard on the left laughed.

The music blared loudly and I began to get a headache. I put my hand to my temple, "Please. I just need to know he is okay."I felt my face twist up, threatening to release tears.

"I need to make sure Cullen is okay. I'm GioYanna. His..."I bit my lip, I had to swallow my pride to make sure he was ok.

"I.. I'm his mate."I looked up into his eyes.

"Sure you are."the one on the right laughed. "Now get lost."

Suddenly the door swung open and out walked Cullen with his head down. He would have run into me had I not jumped into him. I clung to his neck.

"Don't leave me alone again."I began balling. "I hated being alone in that big place by myself!"I wept.

"G-Gio... What the fuck are you doing here!"He sounded angry. I let go of his neck and looked up into his green eyes with my own teary ones.

His hardened expression immediately softened.

"Cullen!"I heard a feminine voice call to him.

"Shit."he muttered, "Gio you need to go home."

"What why-"

"Now."he nearly was telling at me.

"Cullen where did you...Who is this?"A tall blonde petite girl looked me up and down with disgust.

"It's nobody..She's just-"He began.

"Oh so I'm a nobody now."I turned to Cullen, glaring hatefully at him, I turned to face the tall woman, "I'll tell you who I am. I'm his girlfriend. And who the fuck are you?"I glared equally hateful, of not more so at her.

"Ahh, so this is the little toy you picked up."She laughed, "Well I got news for ya girly. I'm his future wife."


"Wait Gio-"

"I guess I am nobody."I turned facing the sea of people, "I'll see you at home Cullen."I said bitterly. "I won't wait up."my voice cracked.

I ran into the crowd, I knew he would try to chase after me, but I used my short stature to my advantage and disappeared into the crowd.

'I'm so stupid..'Hot tears raced down my cheeks.

'Wait..You don't even care about him...Yeah we don't care about him'I asserted, trying to convince myself, more than anything.

I ran through the strip club's doors and out into the street. I turned and suddenly I felt something body collide with my body and everything went dark.