Chapter 3: The Mean Girls

"You!!! Ughh!! So dumb stupid Argh!!!" Stacy shouted while stomping her feet.

Is she throwing tantrums?

"Im gonna tell mom! And I'll make sure you get fired!!!!!!! Ugh!" she said throwing a fit as she walk out from our classroom.

Well, that was.. Uhh humiliating.

I looked at Kysha and Ysha and they looked so disappointed but later on they pretended that they didn't know Stacy and just acted normal.

"Next, please stand up." Professor Black continued like nothing happened.

Ysha, the one seating beside Stacy, stood up. Her full name is Alysha Suarez while her twin's full name is Akysha Suarez. Their parents are actually not that bad I just don't understand why their personalities are so far from their parents.

"Don't tell me you don't have a dream too," Professor Black said.

"Well.. I actually do have a dream." she said while swaying her body back and forth.

"It's to get rid of a girl in this campus." she continued looking at me.

I already knew who it was.

I know its me.

Ever since we were freshmen, she thought I was purposely stealing her crushes from her. I wasn't even making an effort to charm her crushes. Maybe I was just more nice and charming than her. No bragging intended.

"Well.. That's the only dream I have." she said as she sat down.

I saw Professor Black smirk from my peripheral vision. Which was really creeping me out.

"To get rid, meaning?" he said with his original blank face.

I think I was the only one who saw him smirk. Which is a good thing cause they might have gone nuts. Professor Black's smirk isn't just a normal smirk it was kinda like a murderer's smirk. I don't know but that's what I felt.

"Uhh.." Ysha replied, not really sure about what to say.

"Do you want her to die?" the side of his lips rose for a second and then his face turned blank again as if he didn't do it at all.


The side of his lips rose when he said that.

Is death funny?

And I'm sure that Ysha was talking about getting rid of me. Does he think my death is funny?

I looked around to see if someone noticed what he just did but..

No one looked creeped out.

Is it just me?

I looked at Ysha and I saw her brows furrowed, she looked so confused.

Well, I think she wasn't actually planning to kill me. That's way too far.

"Enough of it. Let's continue tomorrow. Goodbye Class!" he said, after looking at his watch.

"Goodbye Professor Black!" we all said.

Whew! Finally.

Then the bell rang just when Professor Black exited the room.

Yay! Break time!!

I immediately stood up and left to meet Luna in her Social Studies room.

I was happily walking towards the Social Studies room when I accidentally bumped a..

Weird guy.

He was wearing jeans and a white shirt with a denim jacket folded up to his elbows.

Well he's actually handsome. I can't deny that. It's just.. There's something weird about him that I don't know. Maybe his cold eyes? It's cold but he's hot so I don't really know how to... Never mind.

I snapped myself out of my thoughts and suddenly became aware of what just happened.

My shoulders felt like it was separated from my body!!

And it hurts!

I was the one who bumped him but it already ached so hard for me what more if he was the one who bumped me? It would have ached a lot.

He massaged his shoulders a bit and glanced at me. I felt the little hairs on my nape stand up as he looked at me with such cold eyes.

I can't seem to read his emotions since it was so..


He's becoming more scarier with each second passing by.

He pursed his lips and just walked away while massaging his shoulders.

After that really scary encounter I saw Luna walking towards me with his brows furrowed.

"Hey. Are you okay? Did you hurt your shoulders?" Luna said while looking at my hand massaging my shoulders.

"Uhh.. I just bumped with a.. random guy." I said awkwardly while thinking of our encounter again.

It was scary but fun!

Am I out of my mind or what?

Ugh I just said what I felt.

"Ya! Can you not let your brain fly for a second? You look like you just saw a handsome guy." she said her brows still furrowed.

I did. I did meet him.

"Don't tell me.. You really did? Did you? Or.. maybe you like him already!" she said pointing her index finger at me, getting suspicious.

"Hey! That's too much! I just.. You know." I said while trying to avoid her eyes.

She pushed my chin up with her finger so she can look me into the eyes. It felt awkward, I didn't know what to say.

"You do like him.. Don't you?" Luna said while squinting her eyes at me.

"Oh come on. I don't like people that easily." I said a little nervous. I actually don't know why.

"You know that I can read you well right?" she said, eager to make me confess.

"I don't even.. I just.. Ugh what I mean is.. I don't feel anything about him you know." I hope she believes it now.

"I still won't buy that reason of yours but I'll let it pass." she said.

Whoo! Finally.

"Come on let's eat na! We only have 30 minutes break time." she said hugging my whole arm.

She pulled me until we reached the Cafeteria.

As we went inside the Cafeteria, I saw a bunch of girls surrounding a table. They were all standing up. Some of them were even stretching their necks to look at the thing on the table that interests them.

"What's that all about?" I asked Luna. She just gave me an 'I don't know too' look.

We looked for a nice table and sat there. Not literally on the table, of course we sat on a chair.

Luna left her bag at her chair and went to get our food.

"Hey Maple!" Luna said as she ran towards me with our food, a lot of water dripped from our cups but she didn't care.

"There's this guy. The one surrounded by girls." she said and I just nodded.

"He's looking for you!" she said excitingly.

"What's so good about that?"

"Czion! He's here!" she whispered.

I looked up and found no one so I just went back to eating.


I looked at where the voice was coming from and there he was.

The cold but hot guy I encountered a while ago.