Haunting Past

Ahhhh... I screamed from the pain.

MOTHER!! Why did you do that? I said, putting both of my hands over my belly trying to reduce the pain.

You can't think about keeping the baby! Mom said, as she stands up from her rocking chair.

She started moving towards the switch board to open the lights of that dim lit room.

But, mother... I wanted to keep this baby. I said, with the little tears in my eyes, I am not sure if they are because of the pain of that punch or because of the pain of killing a part of me again. She looked at in my eyes, and come near me. She wiped out those little tears from my eyes.

You know, this world is not for you... She said, hugging me.

As I buried my face in her chest, finding the lost comfort in the women who gave birth to me, she started moving her hand over my head, tangling her fingers in my hair. I took a deep breath as I come to my home, my place, the only human who knows my truth, who is saving me from all the evils disguised as humans and walking freely outside.

I would have been either dead or still experimented if she didn't saved me. I may hate her for not letting my babies live but deep down I know whatever she would do, it will be for my own good, for my own safety.

You had me, you saved me, and you are still saving me... Please, mom... I will save her, just like you, I will protect him or her from every evil, I will teach her everything, mom just like you did. I said wiping away my tears and cupping her face. Trying to convince her.

She took a deep breathe and said, "I am a human, saving you from the world is easy for me but you... you are not a human completely... you are a half fish and most probably a mermaid as mentioned in fairytales. How can you save her when you yourself is bound to water."

And hearing those words from her bring me back to the reality... whatever she is saying is truth, the truth from which I can never turn my back. I am BOUND TO WATER, I need ocean water everyday if I want to be alive... I need to undergo transformation everyday, I need the touch of oceam water, or I would die with lack of oxygen just like a fish.

I need to be in ocean water for atleast 3 hours a day, and that's why I asked James to brought a house near the beach.

Mom, you said you will tell me the story of my birth... but I was not ready, I am ready now...

if I want to give birth to this baby, then I need to know the story of my own birth. I said, taking a deep breath. I know I need to be very sure if I want to keep this baby, because no way this baby will be a normal human... James is a human, but I... I am not. I don't even know if this baby will be a mermaid like me or some other creature, I don't know if the baby will have more of human features or a fish. I don't even know when to expect the delivery of this baby... Will it be like 3 to 4 months like in fishes or 8-9 months like in human.

If that's what you want, and after listening to everything whatever you will decide to do with the baby I will accept that. She said, kissing my forehead.

She sit on the couch, and I lie down with my head over her lap, she started comforting me by putting her hand over my forehead.

She took a good look of my face and closed her eyes and then she said " All this started 35 years back, When the neighbouring country attacked us. Our country fought with them with courage and we were almost on the verge of winning the battle until the president of our neighboring country send some hitmen for killing our president. They killed our president and a country without president is just like a child without father... They conquered our land when we were in grief of loosing our beloved president. They took away children from their parent's to do dangerous shitty works, and girls of young age was forced to marry the old jerks of that country, the young boys were forced to become sex slaves or boy toys for the femals of that country, our country and people were bleeding.

But after a long revolution of 5 years, we got our freedom back, but as these foreign people are leaving our land they took some of our young people with them and I... I was one of them."

WHAT!!! This is truly insane! How can someone do this! I said, looking at her eyes. The tears are coming out from them, and in those deep blue eyes I could see the pain, I can feel her pain, her aching heart.

She wiped her tears away and continued " I was taken to a research laboratory, first I thought it was our neighbouring country who kidnapped us but I was wrong, it was our own people who kidnapped me and some other people. We were the models of experments, everyday those people do each and every type of experiments on us. They were trying to produce a new species, better than human so that they can attack on the neighboring country for revenge. they started gene transfer from other animals to humans in vitro, and when the embryo was formed they inject it inside the womb of females whom they kidnapped.

Many, many people, young female died either while conceiving the baby or as soon as these genetically modified embryos was injected in them. When they didn't succeed with fertilizing human ovum with big animal's sperm like elephants they started with small animals like fishes. I was one of the surrogate's who survived. when I was at the last trimester, me and some other people planned an escape, and we did escape but not everyone make out alive... someone from among us told them our plan and everyone of my friends died saving me, saving you..."

Mom started crying, and It aches my heart to listen that so many people died for saving me...

I hugged mom and said "Please, don't cry"

She giggled a little and said " No no, I am not crying! but now you have to make a decision..."

"Do you want to keep or abort the baby"