Pregnant and Cheater?

"Cheater" his voice starts to echo in my ears...

"What-- What are you saying?" I said, holding his arms, trying to calm him.

Your innocent act is over!! Where have you been from whole night? He angrily said, pushing me away from him.

As he pushed me, I tried to get my lost balance back. I looked at him, and I see a completely new person standing before me. He is saying something but at that moment I was least bothered about that, all I can see is changing expressions of his face, something which I have never seen before. He is screaming and accusing me for something I never did and I - I just stand there, and thinking where did I go wrong?

James took my hand in his and starts to drag me...

What are you doing?! I said, trying to release my hand from his tight grip.

Get out from my house! I don't want to see your cheating ass ever again! he tightens his grip and said. He hold my hand too tight that it hurts. It feels like my blood vessels are choked and the blood flow to my hand stopped. My hand started becoming cold and the pain starts to overpower me.

James stop! you are hurting me... I said, continue to move as he was directing me.

Shut up, bitch! and get out from my house. He said, almost breaking the bones of my wrist.

God, James. I am pregnant with your baby! I said pushing him away from me with my second hand.

He left my hand and he looked at my eyes, tears started to fall from his eyes and in those eyes I can see how much broken he is.

"Why are you doing this to me, Brooklyn?" He said looking at me with his teary eyes.

I move closer to him, and cupped his face. I said, "I am not cheating on you, James."

The pregnancy is it true? Are you really pregnant with... with my baby? He said, holding both of my hands with his as I was cupping his face.

Yes, I am pregnant and this baby is yours. I said, directing his hands over my belly.

He sat down with this burden of grief and pain in his heart, he started crying like a baby and he said "Where were you at the night, brook?

I was at mom's she called me and asked me to meet her urgently. I didn't wake you up because I thought you was tired. but when I reached at Mom's house... She...

And without completing my sentence I broke into tears again, I sat down in front of James on the ground and started to cry. He was shocked to see me like this. He put his hands around my waist and pulled me closer to him in a deep comforting hug.

What happened, Brook? He said, hugging me and stroking my hair with his fingers.

Mom... She is no more...She died, James.... She had a heart Attack... She died in my own arms... I said crying and sniffing. I hugged him even tighter.

He took a hot deepbreath over my neck and said, "I have got you."

"I am sorry for your loss, I am sorry for everything happened today, I am sorry for not trusting you, I am sorry for everything, Brooklyn"

He said, hugging and crying with me.

James, please bring her back... I can't live without her... Please. I said, looking at his eyes. I know the answers still I can't help but to say it. Maybe, Maybe something, some miracle happen and she can come back to life again. I know what I am thinking is stupid and lame but this pain of... the pain of loosing your last family is too much.

He hold me up in his arms and take to the bed with himself, he tucked me in the bed and give me some medicines.

What are these medecins, James? I asked him.

Nothing, just have them and sleep for a while, okay? he said, forcing my hand in my mouth.

I took the medicines and within a short while I feel asleep.

A few hours later

I woke up to see james sitting beside me and sleeping. I looked at his face, where the marks of dried tears can easily be seen, seems like he cried while I was sleeping.

And then I remembered his face a few hours before, so angry, so furious that he could have killed me at that moment if he doesn't loved me that much. His face when he was not even afraid of hurting me.

Never in my life I could ever forget this day... The day which took away my mother from me, the day where I was going to loose the love of my life as well and because of one silly reason, he thinks that I am cheating on him.

My heart broke into hundreds of pieces to know that he didn't ask me once before accusing me for cheating. if it wasn't for this baby I would have been homeless by now. Even after these 5 years of togetherness he didn't trust me, or even if he does it was so easy to be broken by such small things.

Evils in disguise, humans are really Evils in disguise.

James, slowly opened his eyes and said "Oh you are awake."

Yeah, you gave me the sleeping pills, didn't you? I said, looking at him.

"Yeah, I had to, you were crying and you are not listening to me..." He said justifying his actions.

"You must be hungry, how about I make some amazing dinner for you tonight?" he said holing my hands in his.

Okay. I said pulling away my hand.

I am going to the beach for clearing my head... I said, removing my blanket and getting up from the bed.

Oh, Do you want me to come with you? He said.

No, I want to go alone. of course, if you trust me... I said crossing my hand.

You are still mad, aren't you? He said, awkwardly.

Is he for real, whatever happened in the morning is something I could never forget. I was literally begging this men to listen to me. And now he is asking if I am still mad at him!

Brooklyn, I know whatever I did in the morning is not right in so many ways, I was angry and I lost control. I know I should have listened to you and I am genuinely sorry for that. Will you forgive me? He said coming near to me and cupping my face.

I looked at in his eyes and only one word is keep repeating in my head, YOU CHEATER.

I took a deepbreath and I know you all may call me crazy for the next thing going to come out from my mouth, but I have to...