Well shit

Hi there I'm know that you (reading this) wouldn't know who I am in IRL but I really need help, life is getting....well shit and I'm having a hard time getting anything done. Including this list which I'm Tempted to drop but I don't know if I want to though I have so many ideas that I wanna get on paper but I'm so fucking depressed right now that Im half Tempted to kill myself. I know a lot of you will say not too but that I know. I really want to see the rest of the world and see what lies in the future yet I'm terrified of what could/can happen, that's why I'm at a predicament do I drop this and try to fix my life/shit and come back to it later or do I power on and keep making this list for you guys hopping one of you takes one and makes something that a lot of people will enjoy (still if you find one you like take it and let me know I would love to read what you can come up with) just leave a comment on this I'll to the more votes to do

edit) didn't think of this until now this is my discord account SomeRandomRussian9#8405

(if you want a bit more background for any of the ones on the list or wanna ask me some questions[that aren't completely random])